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摘 要:企业在信息方面回报的增加是企业提高竞争力的有效方式之一。供应链中信息流程的控制在企业的运营过程中发挥着重要的作用。本文通过对企业中的四流的关系进行分析,以及信息流的内容和特点的研究,分析供应链中的信息流在企业业务运作过程中所发挥的作用和价值体现。通过对典型的信息流模型的研究,分析信息流程存在的问题,提出改进的信息流程的方案以及建议优化企业信息流程,从而提高企业的综合实力和竞争力。最后还提出了今后信息流程改进过程中可能需要面临的问题。
Research on Information Flow in Supply Chain
Abstract: The increase in the information return is one of the most effective ways for enterprises to improve competitiveness. The control of information flow in the supply chain plays an important role in the operations process. In this paper, to analyze the four-flow relations in the enterprise and the flow of information content and features of the study to analyze the role played by the information flow in the supply chain in the process of enterprise operations and the value. Through the typical information flow model to analyze the problems of information flow to improve information flow of the program and the proposed optimization of the enterprise information flow, thereby enhancing the enterprise's comprehensive strength and competitiveness. Concluding with recommendations for future process improvement process may need to face the problem.
Key words:supply chain;information flow;transmission of information;bullwhip effect

目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
一、前言 2
二、供应链中信息流的内容 3
三、供应链中信息流的模型及特点 3
四、供应链中信息流的作用 5
(一)供应链决策依据 5
(二)对供应链不确定性的影响 6
(三)对业务流程的影响 7
(四)对企业资源的影响 9
五、供应链信息流程设计及优化 9
(一)供应链信息流程设计 9
(二)供应链信息流程的优化 11
(三)供应链信息流优化过程中存在的问题 13
六、结束语 13
参考文献 15
致 谢 16