主页 > 管理学 > 电子商务 >


来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK712457 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK712457
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关键词:  移动支付;价值接受模型;结构方程模型;认知风险理论

Mobile Payment is a way that the buyers use mobile phone, PDA and other mobile terminals through mobile Internet to purchase tangible or intangible goods and services. They achieve the financial payments through mobile payment, in order to achieve the transfer of funds. Mobile payment is based on electronic payment and online payment. Mobile payment is accompanied by the rapid development of mobile commerce generated. it is a form of mobile commerce and belongs to the scope of mobile commerce. Compared with Europe and Japan, Korea and other countries which mobile payment is rapidly developing, mobile payment in China is still in the initial stage and far from universal. Now as a new technologies and services, mobile payment hasn’t been accepted and widely used by the majority of consumers.
The writer uses Social Research Methods to study the key factors influenced mobile users to use mobile payment, and to analysis the possible causes of the current situation of mobile payment and to give advises for putting mobile payment forward.
From the consumer perspective, the paper is based on integrated Value Adoption Model (VAM) and Perceived Risk Theory to build analysis model , in order to find out the key factors that affect users’ acceptance and usage of mobile payment. we targeted groups of young college students, and designed online surveys to collect 116 questionnaires. We carried out exploratory factor analysis and empirical analysis on the 116 questionnaires using SPSS and LISREL. the results show that the functional value and the social value has positive influence to the apparent attitude while money cost and risk cost negative. The attitude of the user directly determine the ultimate use of intention and the effect are more significant. And thus the conclusions, we point out the problems of promoting mobile payment and give advises of the promotion recommendation.

Key Words: Mobile Payment; Value Adoption Model(VAM); Structure Equation Model(SEM); Perceived Risk Theory

摘要    2
目录    4
第一章 绪论    5
1.1 研究背景    5
1.1.1 全球移动商务的快速发展    5
1.1.2 移动支付的应运而生    6
1.2 移动支付    7
1.2.1移动支付的定义    7
1.2.2移动支付的分类    7
1.3 问题的提出    8
1.4 研究意义    9
第二章 用户接受度研究与理论建模    10
2.1 用户接受度研究综述    11
2.1.1 经典理论模型    11
2.2 价值接受模型 (VAM)    12
2.2.1 价值理论    12
2.2.2 认知风险理论综述    13
2.2.3 认知风险理论的维度    14
2.2.4 态度与意图    15
第三章 研究方法与工具    16
3.1 研究对象与方法    16
3.1.1 调查研究对象    16
3.1.2 社会调查研究方法    16
3.2 问卷设计    18
3.3 数据收集    19
3.4 研究工具    19
3.4.1 结构方程模型    19
3.4.2 SPSS软件和方法    20
3.4.3 LISREL软件和方法    21
第四章 基于VAM模型的实证研究    23
4.1 测度项分析    23
4.2 信度分析    23
4.3 效度分析    25
4.4 假设检验分析    27
第五章 结论与意义    30
5.1 研究的结论    30
5.2 营销建议    30
5.3 本文的不足    31
结束语    33
参考文献    34
