摘 要
本论文在基于实验室装置的基础上,结合无线传输技术知识,利用组态王画出了实验装置的组态图,直观的描述了实验装置组成结构。文中提出一种无线智能网关的设计方案; 该技术可应用于实验室控制系统的监测过程中,并利用智能网关的内部存储器对数据进行采集、存储和管理; 对设计的系统作了整体功能测试以及通信距离的测试。介绍了实验装置利用无线传输技术的原理及方法以及计算机和无线设备是如何通信的。通过实际参数设计了实验装置压力容器高度、体积、圆筒壁厚等,并通过该设计了解了实验装置的工艺原理。提出压力容器的防腐措施。
As wireless communication technology industry gradually into the wireless communication system is gradually increased in the industrial application of a communication network, and the current industrial communication network protocol, many different communication standards exist, so the network of different transmission media, different rates, different communication protocols between interconnected issues have gradually become the focus of attention. This article is to introduce wireless intelligent gateways and wireless instrumentation in the laboratory control system applications, and applications using this technology trend inevitability.
This paper, based on laboratory-based devices, combined with wireless transmission technology knowledge, the use of the configuration shown in Figure KingView experimental device, intuitive description of the experimental device composition structure. This paper presents a design of wireless intelligent gateway; This technology can be used to monitor process control systems in the laboratory, and the use of internal memory intelligent gateway for data collection, storage and management; made the overall design of the system functional test and testing the communication distance. Describes the experimental device using wireless transmission technology as well as the principles and methods of how computers and wireless devices communicate. The actual design of the experimental parameters by means of pressure vessel height, volume, cylinder wall thickness, and through the design process to understand the principles of experimental devices. Proposed anti-corrosion measures the pressure vessel.
Key words: wireless brainpower gateway;Wireless transmission technology;data acquisition;Wireless Instrumentation;Configuration Software

目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 层出不穷的近距离无线通信技术 1
1.2 应运而生的智能无线网关网络 2
1.3 IEC 62591(无线HART®)行业标准 3
1.4 无线传输网络的特点 5
1.5 国内外研究现状 5
1.6 研究内容 6
第2章 组态软件的简介 7
2.1 组态软件的定义 7
2.2 组态软件的特点及功能 7
2.4 国内外组态软件的种类 11
2.5 亚控组态软件的特点及使用细节 12
2.6 本章小结 14
第3章 组态软件的实验装置及无线仪表 15
3.1 实验装置设计 15
3.2 控制系统方框图 16
3.3 智能无线THUM™适配器 18
3.4 罗斯蒙特648无线温度变送器 21
3.5 罗斯蒙特702无线离散变送器 24
3.6 罗斯蒙特3051S无线差压变送器 25
3.7 本章小结 26
第4章 智能无线网关 27
4.1 初始设置 27
4.2 安装和连接 33
4.3 主机集成 37
4.4 智能无线网关及无线仪表之间的通信 40
4.5 本章小结 44
第5章 实验装置工艺原理及安全寿命设计 45
5.1 压力容器设计原则 45
5.2 实验装置压力容器设计 45
5.3 压力容器防腐措施 48
5.4 本章小结 49
结 论 50
参考文献 51
致 谢 52