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摘 要随着现代科学技术的发展和新技术的广泛应用,安全防范系统渐渐成为智能楼宇中必不可少的一部分。本文首先分别对目前智能楼宇安防系统所包含的三部分系统进行介绍,即可视对讲系统、电视监控系统和门禁系统,其中包括它们的组成部分、工作原理、设计原则及思路和功能实现等等。然后以目前楼宇的智能化需求为依据,以安防系统为设计对象,采用LonWorks通信网络技术,在总体组成结构、硬件实现和效果评估等方面对可视对讲系统、电视监控系统、门禁系统进行研究与通信网络设计。
关键词智能楼宇; 安防系统; 对讲系统; 电视监控系统; 门禁系统; LonWorks技术
Design of communication network in intelligent building security system
AbstractWith the development of modern science and technologyand the wide application of new technology, security system has gradually become an indispensable part of intelligent buildings. Firstly, this paper introduce the three parts of the current intelligent building security system, including the visual intercom system, television monitoring system and access control system.It contains their components, working principles, design principles and ideas and functions. Then LonWorks communication network technology is used to research and design the visual intercom system, TV monitoring system and access control system about the overall composition of the structure, hardware implementation and effect evaluation.
Keywords Intelligent buildings; Security system; Intercom system; Television monitoring system; Access control system; LonWorks technology

目 录
摘要及关键词 1
1 引言 1
1.1 论文的研究背景、目的及意义 1
1.2 智能楼宇概述 1
1.3 安防系统概述 2
2 安防系统总体设计 3
2.1 系统的设计原则 3
2.2 系统的整体体系 4
2.3 对讲系统设计 6
2.4 电视监控系统设计 8
2.5 门禁系统设计 9
3 安防系统通信网络设计 11
3.1 LonWorks总线技术概述 11
3.2 通信网络设计方案 14
3.3 效果评估 15
4 总结与展望 15
参考文献 15
致 谢 17