摘 要
本文以方案选择、测量原理和装置设计入手,提出了新型电子皮带秤的方案,介绍了一种新型电子皮带秤的硬件、软件及机械机构的设计。该皮带秤用单片机作为控制单元,采用V/F 模数转换、锁相倍频、非线性校正和数字滤波技术。本文首先介绍了国内外电子皮带秤的发展状况以及趋势,并提及课题的来源和意义;然后由已知条件确定方案选择,尤其是对皮带秤的分类方法作了详细介绍,指出了各种电子皮带秤的优点和不足。接着,分析测量原理及装置设计,分别对秤架设计、称重传感器和速度传感器做以分析和选择,初步确定了装置的设计;再进行电路设计,由数学原理的介绍进行硬件设计和软件设计,硬件设计中分别对硬件结构及工作原理、V/F型模数转换和键盘输入及数据显示电路;软件设计重点介绍非线性拟合、数字滤波子程序。
关键词: 电子皮带秤; 方案选择; 测量原理; 装置设计; 电路设计
The demand for high quality and good taste of fragmentary material is increasing as the standard of living is raised. To meet the demand, the coal pit factory, and so forth, has to continuously improve the quality control and receipt control oath production. This condition makes the high stability and precision of the electronic belt weighing conveyor more and more important.
Based on discuss of programmer select, measurement theory and instrument design, this paper presents a new type electronic belt weighing conveyor. The design of a new type belt scale’s hardware, software and mechanical structure is described. This belt scale uses single chip computer as control unit, V/F analogue-digital conversion, locking phase multiple frequency, non-linear correction and digital filtering techniques. Firstly this paper introduces the development of the electronic belt weighing conveyor both at home and abroad, and the tendency of electronic belt weighing conveyor, introducing origin of the theme and meaning of the theme. Secondly, it analyzes the known condition and makes sure programmer select, especially introduces to classify way detailed, and points out the advantage and disadvantage of the weighing conveyor. Furthermore, it analyses measurement theory and instrument design, respectively the beam of a steelyard design, weighing sensor and speed sensor and selects them detailed, so makes sure instrument design primarily. At last, it conducts to circuit design. By introducing mathematics theory, it conducts to hardware design and software design. Hardware design consists of hardware structure, working principle, V/F analogue-digital conversion, keyboard input and data display circuit. At the same time, software design introduces to nonlinearity calibration and the procedure of data flit.
Keywords: electronic belt weighing conveyor; programmer select; measurement theory; instrument design; circuit design
上托辊间距: 1.2 m
下托辊间距: 3 m
皮带宽度:1000 mm
皮带速度:3.15 m/s

目 录 25000字
第1章 概论 3
1.1 皮带秤的国内外发展状况及趋势 3
1.1.1 皮带秤的国内外发展状况 3
1.1.2 皮带秤的发展趋势 3
1.2 课题的来源及意义 4
1.2.1 课题的来源及意义 4
1.2.2 本文主要研究内容 5
第2章 电子皮带秤的总体方案设计 6
2.1 电子皮带秤的应用设计条件 6
2.2 电子皮带秤的方案选择 7
2.2.1 皮带秤的发展阶段 7
2.2.2 皮带秤的分类方法 8
2.2.3 皮带秤的方案选择 10
第3章 皮带秤的测量原理及装置设计 18
3.1 皮带秤的测量原理 18
3.2 皮带秤的装置设计 19
3.2.1 皮带秤的秤架设计 19
3.2.2 称重传感器的称重原理及选型 20
3.2.3 速度传感器的分类及选型 24
第4章 皮带秤的电路设计 32
4.1皮带秤的数学原理 32
4.1.1 皮带秤的基本原理 32
4.1.2 速度传感器的频率确定 33
4.1.3 称重传感器的频率确定 34
4.1.4 液晶显示器显示示数的确定 34
4.2 皮带秤的硬件设计 36
4.2.1 硬件结构及工作原理 36
4.2.2 V/F型模数转换 37
4.2.3 键盘输入及数据显示电路 40
第5章 皮带秤的软件设计 42
5.1 非线性拟合程序 44
5.2 数字滤波程序 45
总结 47
参考文献 48
附录: 50
英文原文 59
中文译文 69
致 谢 75
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