摘 要
The Design Of Humidity Test Module With Temperature Compensation
This paper introduces the working principle of the humidity testing module who’s CPU is the AVR microcontroller, hardware and software design. The test module used humidity resistance and other components constitute a RC-oscillator circuit, the humidity will be collected samples signals into the corresponding frequency signal and then proceed to a certain temperature compensation, and then sent to the microcontroller, through its rapid processing, the final Showing the value of its humidity, temperature compensation circuitry is set and integrated LED display on the humidity testing system. The temperature compensation circuitry is selected as the temperature DS18B20 temperature sensor components, according to the change in temperature and humidity measurements to track compensation, as far as possible to reduce the temperature caused by temperature drift and the measurement error, to ensure the accuracy of testing humidity. Therefore, the test module with high accuracy, intelligent and strong, excellent price-performance advantages can be widely used in many fields and humidity measurements.
On this thesis research, in particular compensation temperature error of research, will be the future high-precision measurement and control humidity of practical significance.
The humidity testing module has many advantages, such as high precision, range wide, high humidity environment, and has temperature compensation, to some extent, it has a decrease of temperature drift and error, and improves the accuracy of the measurements.
Key Words:MCU AVR;humidity measurement;temperature compensation

目 录 16000字
摘 要 I
Abstract II
引 言 1
1 概述 2
1.1 具有温度补偿的湿度测试模块的设计背景 2
1.1.1 国内外市场上的湿度测试模块的现状与发展趋势 2
1.1.2 目前具有温度补偿的湿度测试模块存在的问题 2
1.2 本文研究的主要内容 2
2 系统的总体设计 4
2.1 系统组成框图 4
2.2 各模块的功能介绍 4
3 主控芯片的选择 6
3.1 ATmega8单片机总体结构及引脚图 6
3.2 ATmega8的主要性能和特点 7
4 湿度测试模块的设计 8
4.1 湿度测量技术 8
4.2 选择湿度传感器注意的问题 8
4.3 CHR-01型湿敏电阻 9
4.3.1 CHR-01型湿敏电阻的外形尺寸及内部示意图 10
4.3.2 CHR-01型湿敏电阻的工作原理 10
4.3.3 CHR-01型湿敏电阻的性能参数 10
4.3.4 使用湿敏电阻注意的问题 11
4.4 LM358的介绍 11
4.4.1 LM358电路概述 11
4.4.2 LM358电路特性 11
4.5 湿度测试模块的功能及原理图 12
5 温度测试与补偿模块设计 13
5.1 温度补偿模块的研究 13
5.2 温度补偿模块的实现方案 13
5.3 DS18B20温度传感器 14
5.3.1 DS18B20的主要特征与优点 15
5.3.2 DS18B20的工作原理 16
5.3.3 DS18B20的工作时序介绍 17
5.4 温度补偿模块的组成原理图 18
6 电压转换模块(D/A)的设计 19
6.1 TLC5620 D/A转换器的功能特点 19
6.2 TLC5620 D/A的工作时序 20
6.3 TLC5620 D/A的原理图 21
7 LED显示模块的设计 22
7.1 74LS164芯片的介绍 22
7.2 LED数码管的介绍 22
7.3 LED显示的硬件连接 24
8 ISP下载模块的设计 25
9 软件设计 26
9.1 系统软件流程图 26
9.2 系统的总程序 26
结 论 36
参 考 文 献 37
附录A 系统硬件原理图 39
致 谢 40