摘 要
关键词:数据分析 数据采集 决策树分析
The issue stems from the Chong qing Institute of Technology instructor participation of a large-scale engineering projects, to solve the energy consumption of machine tools in the course of the massive data analysis, this paper, data mining technology will be sampling the data storage and analysis carried out in the extraction, to Help us to find a major impact on machine energy, machine tools in order to optimize the structure, to achieve energy conservation purposes.
The main topic of this content including data collection, data mining, data processing and data analysis. In data acquisition, it is necessary to sample a lot of data and data mining, to find useful information, these data will be processed through the comparative analysis of these data to identify machine power in different circumstances, the energy situation.
The topics mainly through the design of the current measurement machine, use a computer program written in AD converters will be collected by the data stored on computers, using MATLAB depiction map data modeling tools, data depicting the curve out to find out Under different circumstances machine energy consumption.
Since China is an industrial Zhizaotaiguo, the machine is widely used, so the solution machine design and optimization of energy consumption is a common scientific problems, if each machine can save energy by one percentage point in each state will save on expenses billion And therefore the results of this research will bring enormous national economic interests and social benefits, the study is the subject of great interest.
Key words: Decision tree analysis data acquisition data analysis

目 录 20000字
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
1绪 论 1
1.1国内外研究现状 1
1.2研究产生背景、目的和意义 6
1.3 本文的研究内容及结构安排 8
2详细方案设计 9
2.1测量方案 9
2.2电路设计 9
2.3数据采集原理和方法 10
2.4数据的存储和利用 14
2.5数据分析 15
3方案实行 21
3.1数据采集 21
3.2 Matlab主要程序控制 25
3.3数据存储和利用 26
3.4数据分析 27
4统计决策方法 32
4.1数据综合分析 32
4.2 决策树分析 33
5结论及展望 37
5.1本文工作总结 37
5.2 进一步的展望 37
致 谢 38
参考文献 39
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