来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK73444 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK73444

【摘 要】
With the rapid developing of economic and technology, energy problem needs to be seriously treated.As the various energy dried up,solar power is a new green power. It is regarded as clean, pollution-free, and inexhaustible. Because the price of photovoltaic cell is expensive and conversion efficiency is low presently, the Maximum Power Point Tracking is absolutely necessary, in order to decrease system cost and increase efficiency.
This paper researches photovoltaic principle,operating characteristics and maximum power point tracking control techniques in detail.And some simulation models in Matlab / Simulink are established.Firstly, it introduces the background and work.Secondly, it analyzes the principle of the solar panel and uses the MATLAB software to build the simulation of the output characteristic for the solar cell under different temperature and isolation.Thirdly, it introduces the MPPT principle, comparing several common MPPT methods and find out their advantage and disadvantage. Then analysis three DC/DC converters’ principles.And using Matlab/
Simulink establish a Boost circuit and a PWM module.Finally,using Matlab/Simulink establish P&O method and Incremental Conductance method.On the basis of the two methods,imroved P&O method and improved Incremental Conductance method,and the simluation is conducted on them. Through the comparative analysis of the four kinds of MPPT method, the simulation results, the advantages and disadvantages of each method is obtained.The control of P&O method is easy but slow and it has a vibration on the steady state.Improved P&O method improves the response speed and reduces the vibration on the steady state.The control of Incremental Conductance method is fast ,accurate but its accuracy requirement is high on the equipment.Improv
-ed Incremental Conductance method improves the response speed and reduces the cost.
Key Words:Photovoltaic (PV);MPPT ; Matlab/Simulink ; DC/DC Converter
![]() ![]() 目录
1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 光伏产业的发展现状 1
1.2.1 国外光伏发展现状 1
1.2.2 国内光伏发展现状 2
1.3 本课题研究的主要内容 3
2 光伏电池特性及其仿真模型的建立 4
2.1 光伏电池的工作原理 4
2.2 光伏电池等效电路 4
2.3 光伏电池仿真模型的建立 6
2.3.1 工程用光伏电池的数学模型 6
2.3.2 光伏电池的Simulink模型 9
3 光伏发电系统最大功率点跟踪系统的研究 16
3.1 最大功率点跟踪的原理 16
3.2 常用的几种最大功率点跟踪控制算法 17
3.2.1 恒定电压法 18
3.2.2 扰动观察法 18
3.2.3 电导增量法 19
4 最大功率跟踪系统的硬件设计 22
4.1 DC/DC变换电路 22
4.1.1 降压式变换器(Buck) 22
4.1.2 升压式变换器(Boost) 24
4.1.3 升降压式变换器(Buck-Boost) 26
4.2 Boost电路在Simulink中的实现 28
4.3 PWM模块 29
4.3.1 PWM概述 29
4.3.2 PWM的基本原理 30
4.3.3 PWM在Simulink中的实现 31
5 光伏发电最大功率跟踪控制算法simulink仿真分析 33
5.1 扰动观察法的实现 33
5.2 电导增量法的实现 38
5.3 改进的扰动观察法的实现 42
5.4 改进的电导增量法的实现 48
5.5 四种MPPT方法的比较分析 54
6 结论 57
6.1 结论 57
6.2 对光伏发电的展望 57
致谢 59
参考文献 60