来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK73442 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK73442

摘 要
Into the 21st century image capture technology in the areas of daily life, in the military field is playing an increasingly important role. Meanwhile people image acquisition technologies are increasingly high requirements. Wireless image capture technology because of eliminating the physical connection, to use to bring the convenience and space saving. Of which short-range wireless technology as image acquisition image acquisition of a trend, more and more people's attention. Bluetooth is currently widely used as a short-range wireless transmission equipment, to achieve a variety of electronic devices for short-range wireless communications, while Bluetooth allows up to seven Bluetooth devices are paired, which also constitute a network may be provided.
Image acquisition system is a short-range wireless microcontroller-based embedded systems, mainly to complete the image acquisition, compression and transmission three functions. MCU of choice is TI's MSP430F149, image capture function is performed by the image sensor OV7620 with FIFO implemented. Bluetooth module is used in the UK CSR's BlueCore4-Ext chip. MSP430 controls each module in the system work, control the camera to write data FIFO, and then reads the image data from the FIFO, and through the UART asynchronous serial communication sent to the Bluetooth module. PC through Bluetooth to a Bluetooth adapter receives the data sent by the host computer program of the image displayed.
The design for the wireless networking and video surveillance of the simple model, by increasing the image acquisition fulcrum, image acquisition for multiple locations. The system has a simple hardware device, small size, data transfer speed, good stability, cost advantages, has broad application prospects.
Keywords: chip microcomputer; Bluetooth; image acquisition
通过IAR For MSP430软件来实现各个模块的协调工作。
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.1 无线图像传输在日常生活中的应用 1
1.1.2 近距离无线图像传输原理概述 1
1.2 近距离无线图像传输的研究现状与发展 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状与发展 2
1.2.2 国内研究现状与发展 2
1.3 蓝牙技术的背景与现状 3
1.4 本文的主要研究内容 3
1.5 课题完成的主要任务 4
第二章 器件介绍 6
2.1 MSP430系列芯片 6
2.1.1 概述 6
2.1.2 内部结构 6
2.1.3 主要特点 6
2.1.4 PL2303部分 7
2.1.5 DS1302时钟模块 10
2.2 图像采集模块介绍 11
2.2.1 概述 11
2.2.2 主要参数 12
2.2.3 引脚功能介绍 13
2.2.4 时序分析 13
2.2.5 SCCB总线介绍 14
2.2.6 AL422B介绍 15
2.2.7 图像输出格式介绍 16
2.3 电平转换模块 17
2.3.1 概述 17
2.3.2 引脚功能介绍 17
2.4 蓝牙模块 18
2.4.1 概述 18
2.4.2 特点 18
2.4.3 引脚功能介绍 18
第三章 硬件部分设计 20
3.1 概述 20
3.2 电源供应模块 20
3.3 MCU模块设计 21
3.4 电平转换电路 23
3.5 时钟模块 24
3.6 RS-232串行输出电路设计 24
3.7 JTAG下载调试电路设计 25
3.8 蓝牙电路设计 26
3.9 图像采集电路设计 27
第四章 软件设计 29
4.1 下位机程序介绍 29
4.1.1 初始化子程序 29
4.1.2 下位机主程序 30
4.1.3 图像采集模块程序 31
4.1.4 异步串口通信模块程序 32
4.2 上位机程序介绍 32
第五章 硬件调试与组网设计 35
5.1 硬件调试 35
5.2 组网构建 36
结 论 38
致 谢 39
参考文献 40
附录1 原理图 41
附录2 主要程序 42