摘 要
车辆牌照识别系统(vehicle license plate recognition system,简称LPR)是现代智能交通系统中的一项重要研究课题,是实现智能交通的重要环节,涉及领域异常广阔。智能交通系统可以在不影响汽车正常行驶的状态下自动完成对牌照的有效识别,很显然这一技术的发明对于交通管理工作起到了很大的推动作用。目前,车辆牌照识别技术已经广泛应用于高速公路的监测,电子收费,交通违规管理,安全停车管理,偷盗车辆辨别等重要领域。由于牌照拍摄场景的复杂性以及车牌位置和图像质量的不可预知性,车牌定位系统一直都未做到令人满意,所以车牌定位一直是这个领域研究的热点。因此对于汽车牌照识别技术的研究具有重要的现实意义。
The vehicle license plate recognition system (vehicle license plate recognition system, referred to as LPR) is an important research subject in modern intelligent transportation system, is an important part of realizing intelligent transportation, relates to the very broad filed. Intelligent transportation systems can auto-complete state does not affect the normal driving license identification, it is clear that the invention of this technology for traffic management has played a significant role in promoting. At present, the vehicle license plate recognition technology has been widely used in highway monitoring, electronic toll collection, traffic violation management, security, parking management, vehicle theft to identify important areas such as. License shooting scene complexity as well as the license plate location and image quality of the unpredictability of the, license plate positioning system, none has been done satisfactorily, so license plate location has been a hot research of this area. Therefore, the vehicle license plate recognition technology has important practical significance.
License plate recognition technology mainly includes two parts of the license plate location and license plate recognition, the license plate location is one of the keys of the system. In this paper, the license plate location for license plate recognition system on a static picture. License plate positioning system, in the MATLAB development platform, we use image preprocessing, image edge detection and segmentation method for programming experiment, by gray-scale transformation of the still pictures, the two values, median filtering and a series of processing, put forward license plate location method based on vertical edge detection operator, according to the vertical edges of the statistical characteristics of the vehicle license area, identify possible license candidate from the image, on the use of license plate geometry characteristics of these candidate screening, license plate location, and lay the foundation for further character recognition.
Keywords:License plate location; image processing; edge detection; MATLAB
车牌定位(License Plate Location,简称LPL)就是要在一副拥有复杂背景的车辆图像中把汽车牌照区域分割出来,它是汽车牌照识别系统中的第一步却是至关重要的一步。对于一幅车辆图像来说,车牌区域只占全图的一小部分,要想将其准确定位并分割出来是及其困难的,这就要求研究人员对车牌区域内的字符的纹理特征和字符与其背景之间的灰度特征进行分析,寻找它们之间的差别。当前最常见的定位技术主要有:“基于边缘检测的方法、“基于彩色分割的方法”、“基于小波变换的方法和遗传算法等。

目 录
摘 要 III
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 本课题的研究背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外的发展概况 1
1.3 本课题主要研究的内容 2
1.4 我国车牌的特点 2
1.5 设计的总体思想 3
1.6 本文各章节内容安排 3
1.7 开发工具及运行环境 3
2 基础知识和技术介绍 5
2.1 基础知识 5
2.2 MATLAB 简介 6
3 车牌定位详细设计 11
3.1 图像预处理 12
3.1.1 车牌的基本特征 12
3.1.2 彩色图像的灰度化 12
3.1.3 图像灰度变换 17
3.1.4 线性变换 17
3.1.5 分段线性灰度变换 18
3.1.6 非线性灰度变换 19
3.1.7 图像平滑 19
3.2 平滑处理 19
3.2.1 噪声的基本概念 19
3.2.2 空间域平滑 20
3.2.3 频率域平滑 22
3.3 图像边缘检测 22
3.3.1 引言 22
3.3.2 梯度算子 22
3.3.3 Roberts算子 23
3.3.4 Prewitt算子 23
3.3.5 Sobel算子 24
3.3.6 Canny算子 25
3.3.7 Laplacian算子 26
3.4 牌照的定位与分割 27
3.4.1 形态学去噪 28
3.4.2 牌照区域的分割 32
3.4.3 车牌图像二值化 32
3.4.4 中值滤波 34
3.4.5 字符的分割与归一化 36
3.5 本章小结 37
4 车牌定位系统实现与测试 39
4.1 系统构成 39
4.2 实验结果及分析 39
4.3 本程序对其他图片的识别效果 44
4.4 本章小结 50
5 结论与展望 51
5.1 结论 51
5.2 研究工作的展望 51
致 谢 53
参考文献 54