来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK73422 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK73422
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摘 要
The study described in this paper rooted in a project ultrasonic、ozone sewage treatment. The project was supported by Innovated plan of National University Students. This paper is one of its neutron topics.
The paper has mainly designed power amplified circuit being used for the water treatment drive ultrasonic transducer, it has realized the power amplification being frequency from 100kHz to 300kHz square, the maximum power output is nearly 100W.
In the first place, paper has deeply analyzed the principle for the switching power amplifier which was suitable for the high efficiency driving circuit. The paper has taken single-phase bridge inverter circuit as the topology main circuit. Through the different modulation system's comparison and the parameter of the frequency and power, the paper used the PDM modulation. And according to the circuit value, the paper has chosen MOSFET of the high frequency in order to reduce the on-off time, to increase the utilization, to reduce the nonessential loss.
According to the principle of driving circuit, the paper has used coupling actuation type for carrying on the actuation isolation. It has good capable of driving force and also provides enough electric current. Then through the self-made transformer, it can realize the isolation and the transmission of the non-distorted signal. All of these, it will be benefit for the demand of MOSFET switch voltage. At last, the whole system has been debugged and was able to drive transducer. The design scheme is proven to be the valid and feasible.
The paper also has analyzed the LC wave filter and simply introduced the principle of single stage LC filter. Then from the complex characteristic of ultrasonic transducer the relationship of electrics resistor and ultrasonic frequency combining with changer matching, we will have more to do in the future.
Keywords:Switching power amplifier; PDM; H-bridge; Transformer
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第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题简介 1
1.1.1 课题背景 1
1.1.2 课题来源及研究意义 1
1.2 超声水处理对功放的要求 2
1.3 论文的结构及研究内容 2
第二章 功率放大器的工作原理 4
2.1 D类放大器的介绍 4
2.1.1 常见的功率放大器 4
2.1.2 D类放大器 4
2.1.3 D类放大器工作原理 5
2.2 开关功率放大器的调制原理 6
2.2.1 PWM调制分析 6
2.2.2 PDM调制分析 7
2.2.3 功放电路的工作方式 8
2.3 功放电路的效率 8
2.4 本章小结 10
第三章 功率放大器逆变主回路设计 12
3.1 主回路结构 12
3.1.1 推挽式电路 12
3.1.2 半桥式电路 12
3.1.3 全桥式电路 12
3.2 功率开关管的选择 14
3.2.1 整体概述 14
3.2.2 MOSFET的选择 15
3.2.3 芯片IRF840B 18
3.3 本章小结 20
第四章 H桥驱动电路的设计 21
4.1 H桥前级驱动电路 21
4.1.1 驱动方案的选择 21
4.1.2 驱动芯片的选择 22
4.1.3 芯片TPS2811 23
4.2 H桥推动变压器的设计 25
4.2.1 设计的要点 25
4.2.2 变压器的绕制 26
4.3 本章小节 28
第五章 LC滤波电路的设计分析 29
5.1 滤波器的分类 29
5.2 LC滤波电路的设计分析 29
5.2.1 设计LC滤波电路的一般要求 29
5.2.2 单级LC滤波器的分析 30
5.2.3 H桥滤波电路的分析 31
第六章 全文总结与展望 33
致谢 35
参考文献 36
附录一 系统硬件电路图 38
附录二 实物图 39
附录三 翻译 40