摘 要
The physics are one of natural sciences important disciplines, is an establishment in the experimental foundation science. In the experimental study, the survey is basic, one of massive work. "The voltammetry measured the resistance" takes one of middle school physics foundation experiments, also along with the survey technology development, to surveys the resistance accuracy the request more and more to be also high. But because in the middle school physics, we considers the electric instrument by no means to the resistance survey internal resistance, if can take the certain measure, when survey resistance the mishap electric internal resistance also can the more accurate survey resistance. This article in the middle school voltammetry measured resistance (in connection, outside connection) in the foundation, has carried on the error analysis to the measurement result, and carries on the innovation design according to the ohm's law to the electric circuit, has carried on uncertainly, the relative error, the precision comparison to two kind of surveys plans result. At the same time, in survey process, according to present stage numeral survey development, also has carried on the certain digital survey to the resistance, to simulated the survey and the digitized survey has carried on the comparison. This article innovates the electric circuit design, basically has solved in the measurement system the electric instrument nternal resistance to the measurement result influence. The voltammetry measured the resistance took the middle school physics survey experiment the foundation, unceasingly mature and will be perfect, exempts measured the electricity will have internal resistance the voltammetry to measure the resistance the application, not only will be allowed to carry on in the ordinary physical experiment, also might in lack the experimental condition in particular in some technical project in the situation, will achieve the more accurate survey resistance the goal.
Key word: Voltammetry, ohm's law, electric instrument internal resistance
1.2.3响应时间:小于4s(外电路电阻对10μA仪表应不小于150KΩ。对20μA仪表应不小于60 KΩ。对50μA仪表应不小于8 KΩ)
1.2.9安全要求:接线端与外壳之间能耐受交流50Hz、0.5KV(电压表安伏表为2KV 10~1500V规格为3KV)、1min的电压试验,绝缘电阻不小于5MΩ。
2. 仪表结构和原理

目 录
绪 论 - 5 -
第一章 伏安法测电阻 - 7 -
一、 电表 - 7 -
1. 产品的技术特性 - 8 -
2. 仪表结构和原理 - 9 -
3. 以下是用数字万用表测得的C31型电表的内阻值 - 9 -
4. 直流电流表 - 9 -
5. 直流电压表 - 10 -
二、 可调电阻 - 10 -
1. 旋转式电阻箱 - 10 -
2. 变阻器 - 12 -
三、 电流表内接法、外接法 - 12 -
1. 电流表外接法 - 13 -
2. 电流表内接法 - 15 -
第二章 三种典型测量方法简介 - 17 -
一、替代法 - 17 -
1、电流表与电阻箱加电键组合测待测电阻(替代法) - 17 -
2、电压表与电阻箱和电键的组合测待测电阻(替代法) - 17 -
二、电桥法 - 18 -
三、 补偿法 - 18 -
第三章 免测电表内阻伏安法测电阻 - 19 -
第1节 电路原理、测量方法及步骤 - 19 -
第2节 测量数据处理 - 20 -
一、 5.1Ω标称电阻 - 20 -
二、 2 KΩ标称电阻 - 21 -
第3节 与伏安法测电阻的对比分析及实验结论 - 21 -
第四章 指针式仪表与数字式仪表的比较研究 - 23 -
第1节 推陈出新是历史之必然 - 23 -
第2节 模拟电表与数字电表 - 23 -
第3节 数字电表的特点 - 23 -
第五章 创新电路在不同电路系统中的应用 - 25 -
一、 创新电路在变压器测电阻中的应用 - 25 -
注意事项 - 25 -
规范要求 - 25 -
有关换算 - 26 -
实例分析 - 26 -
二、 毫欧姆级电阻测量 - 27 -
第六章 数字电路概述 - 28 -
一、数字万用表的叙述 - 28 -
一. 概述 - 28 -
二. 安全事项 - 28 -
三. 技术特性 - 28 -
四. 电阻测量 - 29 -
二、数字万用表对5.1Ω、2KΩ电阻的测量及数据处理 - 29 -
第七章 电阻的数字化测量 - 31 -
一、 比例运算法 - 32 -
二、 比率法 - 32 -
The Problem of Measurement, Electrical Instruments - 33 -
英译汉:电气仪表的量度问题 - 35 -
电气仪表 - 36 -
主要电气仪表及其用途 - 36 -
结束语 - 38 -
参考文献 - 40 -
附录 - 41 -
一、 电阻箱的误差限 - 41 -
二、 电压、电流波动引起的误差限 、 - 41 -
三、 电表的灵敏阈带来的误差(限)δ1 - 41 -
致 谢 - 42 -