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摘 要 近几年,计算机和微电子技术得到快速发展,随之而来的是高质量语音压缩技术大量运用在实际生产生活中。目前比较好的算法有正弦变换编码(STC)、混合激励线性预测编码(MELPC)、时频域插值编码(TFI)、基音同步激励线性预测编码(PSELP)等[4]。压缩编码的发展趋势是低速率、高质量、低延时。本文介绍了一种声码器,其核心方案是自适应预测编码(APC)。并且通过语音信号的时域分析,包括短时能量分析、短时过零率分析和线性预测,最后利用编程工具matlab,开发了一种简单的语音编码和解码系统。由实验结果可知,该系统处理的语音信号具有较高的压缩比和可懂度。
关键词 语音编码;自适应预测编码; 短时能量; 短时过零率; 线性预测分析
A Kind of Speech Coder Based on Adaptive Predication
AbstractWith the rapid development of computer and microelectronics technology, especially in recent years, the technology of high-quality speech compression coding has become practical on a large scale. At present, the better algorithms include sinusoidal transform coding (STC), mixed excitation linear prediction coding (MELPC),time-frequency interpolation coding (TFI), pitch synchronous excitation linear prediction coding (PSELP), etc. The development trend is towards compression coding schemes with lower rate, higher quality and lower delay. This paper introduces a vocoder based on adaptive predictive coding (APC). A simple speech coding and decoding system is developed based on the analysis of speech signal in time domain, including the analysis of short-term energy, short-term Zero-crossing rate, linear prediction and programming tool matlab. The experimental results show that the speech signals processed by the system have high compression ratio and intelligibility.
Keywords:Speech coding;Adaptive predictive coding; Short-term energy;Short-term Zero-crossing rate;Linear predictive ana

目 录
摘要及关键词 1
1 绪论 1
2 语音学基础 1
2.1 语音学基本概念 1
2.2 语音信号的统计特性 5
2.3 语音信号的数字模型 7
2.4 语音信号的时域处理方法 8
2.5 语音编码 11
3 基于线性预测的自适应预测编码 12
3.1 自适应预测编码(APC) 12
3.2 线性预测的基本原理 13
3.3 线性预测方程组的解法 15
4 语音编码的设计与实现 17
4.1 编码工具MATLAB简介 17
4.2 语音编码设计流程 17
4.3 语音编码的程序实现 18
5 语音编码的运行结果 21
6 结论与总结 24
参考文献 24
致谢 26
附录 27