摘 要
In the mid-nineteenth century, the world's first washing machine was successfully developed by Smith, an American. Its invention represents a farewell to the heavy labor of manual washing. Today, the development of washing machine has gone through more than a century. At home and abroad, the research on washing machine has been developing. Over the years, with the continuous enhancement of science and technology, large-scale industrialization in daily life and the continuous improvement of quality of life, consumers'demand for the function and design of washing machines is increasing, and people's expectations for the emergence of more advanced washing machines are increasing. For the controller of the washing machine, which is the core of the design of the washing machine, it achieves the design requirements of high automation, convenient daily use and minimizing errors in the control process of the controller. The main research object of this paper is a washing machine controller based on FPGA. The forward and reverse operation, pause and stop states of the motor are described by VHDL, and seven-segment digital display circuit is used to display the running time and state of the washing machine. The controller of washing machine consists of five sub-modules. This design is based on Quartus II software and EDA platform. VHDL hardware description language is compiled to describe the functions of each sub-module. Each sub-module is simulated separately, and the general program is simulated sequentially.
This paper makes full use of the characteristics of the FPGA, puts forward its own design scheme and ideas, and makes the washing machine controller not only complete the specified functions, but also has strong anti-interference ability and easy to debug. The controller solves the problem of traditional washing machine mechanic control and realizes the normal operation of washing machine.
Key Words:Washing Machine Controller; VHDL Language; Field Programmable Gate Array; Quartus II Software

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 背景及意义 1
1.2 研究目的和主体思路 2
1.2.1 研究目的 2
1.2.2 主体思路 2
1.3 研究现状和发展趋势 3
1.4 本文主要内容 3
第2章 设计方案和思路 4
2.1 设计方案 4
2.2 EDA技术 4
2.3 FPGA 5
2.4 Quartus II 5
2.5 VHDL语言 6
2.6 设计思路 7
2.7 子模块的设计思路 8
2.7.1 预置时间寄存电路模块 8
2.7.2 十进制减法计数器模块 8
2.7.3 时序电路模块 9
2.7.4 译码驱动模块 10
2.7.5 数码管显示模块 10
第3章 程序设计及仿真 12
3.1 各子模块程序设计及仿真 12
3.1.1 洗涤预置时间编码寄存电路模块 12
3.1.2 十进制减法计数器模块 13
3.1.3 时序电路模块 14
3.1.4 译码驱动模块 14
3.1.5 数码管显示模块 15
3.2 洗衣机控制器系统框图及仿真 16
第4章 结论与展望 17
4.1 心得体会与结论 17
4.2 我的展望 18
参考文献 19
附录 20
致谢 25