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Indoor Environment Detection System Based on ZigBee
Abstract:With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people's demand for indoor environmental quality has become increasingly high. This paper is based on the current domestic home environment monitoring the development of the status of the design of a CC2530 based on the indoor environment testing system. The system uses the wireless sensor module with CC2530 as the core to realize point-to-point communication. The parameters and data of the environmental parameters are accepted and forwarded by the coordinator. The sensor nodes carry out the measurement and forwarding of the environmental parameters. The host computer software displays and detects the environmental parameters. This paper mainly discusses the technical background of the related ZigBee wireless sensor network module with CC2530 chip as its core, which is based on the IEEE802.15.4 standard, its protocol architecture, technical characteristics and the basic way of realization [1]. The hardware The feasibility of the design realization. And the design and use of the temperature and humidity sensor module, smoke sensor module, the human body sensor module and OLED display module for a brief description and analysis. This article also briefly describes the design of the host computer software. Finally, the functional effects of temperature and humidity, smoke and human induction are tested and simply authenticated, and the results are analyzed and summarized. Experiments show that this design structure is very simple, easy to use and operation, the function is more complete, in reality has a certain practical value.
Key words: ZigBee; CC2530; wireless sensor network; environmental parameter detection

目 录
摘要 I
1绪论 1
1.1论文研究背景及意义 1
1.2 ZigBee的国内外发展现状 1
1.3论文的主要内容及结构安排 1
2ZigBee协议简介 2
2.1 ZigBee协议体系结构 2
2.1.1物理层 3
2.1.2媒体介质访问层 3
2.1.3网络层 3
2.1.4应用支持层 4
2.2 ZigeBee网络基本概念 4
2.2.1设备类型 4
2.2.2网络拓扑结构 5
2.2.3信标与非信标模式 5
2.2.4 ZigBee术语 6
2.2.5绑定 6
2.2.6 ZigBee原语 6
3系统设计 7
4硬件设计 8
4.1 ZigBee节点 8
4.1.1 CC2530概述 8
4.1.2 ZigBee节点功能模块拓展底板概述 9
4.2温度传感模块 10
4.2.1 DHT11与功能拓展底板接口 11
4.2.2 DHT11串行通信时序原理 11
4.3烟雾检测模块 13
4.3.1烟雾检测模块与功能拓展底板接口 13
4.3.2 MQ-2技术参数与灵敏度特性 13
4.4人体感应模块 14
4.4.1人体感应模块与功能拓展底板接口 14
4.4.2人体感应模块电气特性及原理 14
4.5 显示模块 15
4.5.1 OLED显示模块与功能拓展底板接口 15
4.5.2 OLED工作时序和原理 15
5软件设计 16
5.1软件开发环境IAR概述 16
5.2 Z-Stack体系机构及工作流程 17
5.3网络通信过程 18
5.4参数测量及传输 19
5.4.1温湿度传感检测数据检测与传输 19
5.4.2烟雾传感模块 20
5.4.3人体红外模块 21
5.5上位机软件设计 22
5.5.1用户界面设计 22
5.5.2开发环境QT Creator简介 22
6系统测试 23
6.1系统测试步骤 23
6.2系统测试结果 24
6.3系统测试结果分析 24
7总结 24
参考文献 25
致谢 26
附录A 27
附录B 28
附录C 29
附录D 30