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The remote control system for residential parking area based on GSM and ZigBee Technology
Abstract:At present, the residential parking management system in our country is in the backward stage. In this paper, a remote control system of residential parking space based on GSM and ZigBee technology is designed in order to alleviate the problem of parking. Using the ZigBee networking technology, the system builds the wireless communication network of the parking lot by installing ZigBee terminal nodes in each parking space and ZigBee coordinator in the property. Before driving home, the owner uses the GSM module inside the car to send instructions containing the parking information to the GSM instruction receiving module of the property, and then transmits the data to the ZigBee coordinator through serial communication. Then the coordinator automatically wakes up the work of the ZigBee routing node on the corresponding path, and transfers the detection instructions to the terminal node of the owner's parking space in a progressive way.The terminal node of the parking space is detected by the geomagnetic sensor, and the data is sent back to the property through the ZigBee wireless communication network. The property receives the parking information, and thenmoves the car parked above the owner's parking space timely. The system can not only help alleviate the problem of parking in cities, but also protect the needs of convenient parking for owners effectivelyand facilitate lifegreatly.
Key words: residential parking area; remote control; GSM; ZigBee; geomagnetic sensor

目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 研究意义 1
1.2 研究现状 2
1.3 本文工作内容 3
2 设计方案论证 3
2.1 设计目的 3
2.2 本设计的技术方案 3
2.2.1 单片机主控芯片的选择 4
2.2.2 地磁传感器的选择 5
2.2.3 ZigBee模块的设计 5
2.2.4 GSM模块的设计 6
2.2.5 OLED显示模块及蜂鸣器报警模块的设计 6
2.2.6 电源模块的设计 6
2.3 本设计方案的特点 7
3 系统硬件设计与实现 7
3.1 基于GSM和ZigBee技术的小区车位远程控制系统的设计原理 7
3.2 主要单元电路设计 9
3.2.1 电源电路 9
3.2.2 汽车内的指令发送部分电路 10
3.2.3 车位检测部分电路 11
3.2.4 物业总处理部分电路 13
4 程序设计 15
4.1 小区车位远程控制系统的主程序设计 15
4.2 子程序设计 16
4.2.1 GSM远程通信模块程序 16
4.2.2 ZigBee网络节点通信模块程序 17
5 系统调试 18
5.1 软件调试 18
5.2 硬件调试 19
6 结论 23
参考文献: 23
致谢 25