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关键词:智能家居; ZigBee; CC2530; 传感器模块; IAR
Research and Design of Smart Home System Based on ZigBee Technology
Abstract: With the improvement of living standards, people have put forward higher requirements for the home environment, and smart homes came into being. ZigBee technology is a close-range, two-way wireless communication technology with high-reliability, which is very suitable for wireless communication in smart home systems. This thesis develops a smart home system based on ZigBee technology. The system includes ZigBee main control module, home environment monitoring module and home equipment control module. The ZigBee terminal node connected to the sensor collects the indoor environment information and transmits it to the ZigBee coordinator through the ZigBee network. The WiFi communication is used between the ZigBee coordinator and the PC. The user can issue a corresponding command on the PC, and it is transmitted to the ZigBee terminal node connected to the actuator through the coordinator, thereby driving the alarm device or controlling the operation of the home device. In this paper, the software design of ZigBee module is carried out under the IAR integrated compiler development environment. On this basis, the system is tested. The testing results show that the system can effectively realize the intelligent management of the home environment, which is convenient and quick to use and has good practicability.
Key words: smart home; ZigBee; CC2530; Sensor module; IAR

目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 2
1 绪论 3
1.1 选题的背景和意义 3
1.2 智能家居的研究现状 3
1.2.1 国外研究现状 3
1.2.2 国内研究现状 4
1.3 论文的主要工作 4
1.3.1 论文的主要研究内容 4
1.3.2 论文的组织结构 5
2 ZigBee的技术与协议 5
2.1 ZigBee技术 5
2.1.1 ZigBee技术特点 5
2.1.2 ZigBee与其他几种常用无线通信技术比较 6
2.2 ZigBee协议 6
2.3 ZigBee网络结构 7
3 智能家居系统的总体设计 8
4 智能家居系统的硬件设计 9
4.1 硬件设计原理图 9
4.2 ZigBee模块设计 9
4.2.1 ZigBee模块方案论证 9
4.2.2 CC2530概述 9
4.2.3 ZigBee模块电路设计 10
4.3 家居环境监测模块的设计 12
4.3.1 温湿度传感器模块 12
4.3.2 光照强度传感器模块 13
4.3.3 气体传感器模块 13
4.3.4 人体红外感应模块 14
4.4 家居设备控制模块的设计 15
4.4.1 继电器模块 15
4.4.2 电机模块 16
4.4.3 报警模块 17
4.5 WiFi通信模块设计 17
5 智能家居系统的软件设计 18
5.1 系统软件开发环境 18
5.2 Z-Stack协议栈 18
5.3 ZigBee软件设计 20
5.3.1 ZigBee协调器的软件设计 20
5.3.2 ZigBee终端节点的软件设计 21
5.4 上位机软件 23
5.4.1 LabVIEW概述 23
5.4.2 上位机软件设计 24
5.5 智能家居系统通信协议设计 25
6 系统调试 25
6.1 系统实物图 25
6.2 系统各模块测试 26
6.2.1 温湿度采集模块测试 26
6.2.2 光强采集模块测试 26
6.2.3 可燃气体采集模块测试 27
6.2.4 人体红外感应模块测试 28
6.3 系统软硬件联调 30
6.3.1 家居环境监测子系统测试 30
6.3.2 家居设备控制子系统测试 31
6.3.3 智能家居系统联调测试 32
7 结论与展望 33
7.1 论文总结 33
7.2 未来展望 33
参考文献 34
致谢 35
附录1 协调器部分电路图 36
附录2 终端节点1部分电路图 37
附录3 终端节点2部分电路图 38
附录4 SerialApp.c程序 39
附录5 OSAL_SerialApp.c程序 48