摘要:随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的家庭与个人使用汽车作为日常交通出行方式,由此也引发了停车难、交通堵塞、资源大量消耗等问题。针对停车场存在的一些不足,本文设计了一种基于ZigBee技术的车位管理系统。首先设计车位检测模块,实现对车位占用情况的检测。其次,研究了主控芯片CC2530各部分功能机制。接着基于Z-Stack协议栈进行网络设计,研究Z-Stack工作流程,构建无线网络拓扑结构,对终端节点、协调器进行软件设计,实现ZigBee无线网络通信,将车位检测模块测得的数据经分析处理后传送给电脑端。最后通过Visual Basic软件设计上位机显示界面,可以显示车辆进出入车位时间、占用车位时长、应缴费用等情况。在此基础上,对系统进行了调试,调试结果表明,相比于传统停车场该系统更加便捷、有效,具有很好的实用性。
Research and Design of Parking Management System Based on ZigBee Technology
Abstract:With the improvement of living standards, more and more families and individuals use cars as a daily mode of transportation, which also causes problems such as parking difficulties, traffic congestion, and large consumption of resources. Aiming at some shortcomings of parking lots, this paper designs a parking space management system based on ZigBee technology.Firstly, the parking space detection module is designed to realize the detection of the occupancy of the parking space. Secondly, the functional mechanism of each part of the main control chip CC2530 is studied. Then the paper designs network based on the Z-Stack protocol stack, researches the Z-Stack workflow, builds wireless network topology, designs software for terminal node and coordinator, realizes ZigBee wireless network communication, analysesand processes the data measured by parking space detection module, the result is sent to the computer. Finally, the upper computer display interface is designed by Visual Basic software, which can display the time when the vehicle enters and exits the parking space, the sum time of the occupied parking space, and the fees payable. On this basis, the system was debugged, and the debugging results show that the system is more convenient and effective than the traditional parking lot, and has good practicability.
Key words:ZigBee technology; Z-Stack protocol stack; CC2530 chip; parking space detection; host computer interface

目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 2
1 绪论 3
1.1研究背景和意义 3
1.2国内外研究现状 3
1.2.1国外研究现状 3
1.2.2国内研究现状 4
1.3论文组织结构 5
2 系统相关技术 5
2.1物联网技术概述 5
2.1.1物联网概念 5
2.1.2物联网的发展 5
2.1.3物联网的体系结构 6
2.2 短距离无线通信网络技术 6
2.2.1蓝牙技术 6
2.2.2红外数据传输 7
2.2.3ZigBee无线通信 7
2.2.4 无线局域网802.11 7
2.2.5 UWB技术 7
2.3 ZigBee无线传感器网络通信标准 8
2.3.1 ZigBee技术发展及现状 8
2.3.2 ZigBee技术特点 8
2.3.3 ZigBee协议简介 9
2.3.4 ZigBee网络拓扑结构 10
3 系统总体方案设计 11
4 系统硬件研究与设计 12
4.1 ZigBee无线通信模块硬件研究与设计 12
4.1.1 CC2530芯片简介 12
4.1.2 CC2530核心系统电路设计 13
4.1.3 CC2530扩展硬件电路设计 14
4.2 车位检测模块研究与设计 15
4.2.1 车位检测技术 15
4.2.2 超声波测距原理与方案实现 16
4.2.3 地磁检测器原理与方案实现 17
4.2.4车位检测模块硬件电路设计 20
5 系统软件研究与设计 21
5.1 ZigBee无线网络软件的研究 21
5.1.1 IAR Embedded Workbench 软件 21
5.1.2 Z-Stack协议栈介绍 22
5.1.3 Z-Stack协议栈工作流程 23
5.1.4 协调器组网与终端节点加入网络 24
5.2 终端节点与协调器软件设计 26
5.2.1终端节点软件设计 26
5.2.2协调器软件设计 30
5.3车位管理系统研究与设计 31
5.3.1 VB语言简介 31
5.3.2 上位机显示界面 31
6 系统测试与结果 33
6.1超声波模块的测试 33
6.2 HMC5883L磁阻传感器的测试 34
6.3 系统测试与结果 35
7 总结与展望 40
参考文献 40
致谢 42
附录一 43
附录二 45