来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK716605 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK716605
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Multifunctional signal generator based on FPGA
Abstract:The design implements a multi-purpose generator which can produce a variety of signals.The design consists of three modules.They are signal source, FPGA module and the network interface board.Advantages of this design is that the use of the FPGA internal PLL which can the external clock frequency, and the operating frequency can reach hundreds of megabytes.The design changes the corresponding amplitude, phase, offset, frequency and value change for various waveforms corresponding to the set by the host computer resulting in a variety of low harmonics, frequency range for a variety of waveforms 1HZ to 100M sine, square, triangle and so on.
Key words: DDS,FPGA,Ethernet,Multifunctional signal generator,computer

目 录
引言 5
1.课题背景 5
2. 国内外波形发生器的发展现状 6
3.本文研究的主要内容 6
4. 设计内容 6
1.信号发生器原理 6
1.1直接数字频率合成技术的基本原理 7
1.1.1 DDS的原理 7
1.1.1 DDS的优缺点 7
1.1.2 DDS的实现 8
1.2相位偏移控制 8
2.硬件部分 9
2.1系统设计 9
2.2 下位机系统 9
2.2.1 FPGA模块 9
2.2.2 网络接口板 14
2.2.3 信号源模拟前端 14
2.2.4 模拟前端电路图 17
2.2.5 硬件实物连接图 18
3.软件 19
3.1 软件流程图 19
3.2系统设计 20
3.2.1 系统初始化模块 20
3.2.2 RAM模块 20
3.2.3 数据转换模块 20
3.2.4 DAC驱动模块 21
3.2.5 信号发生器模块 22
3.3 上位机模块 27
4.实验结果与结论 28
4.1 实验图 28
4.2 实验结论 30
5.附录 31
5.1 实物图 31
5.2 控制D/A代码 32
5.3 FPGA内部电路图 36
参考文献 40
致谢 41