摘要:从目前光学字符识别中数字识别的研究现状出发,为提高识别速度以及系统的稳定性,本文搭建了一种基于现场可编程门阵列(field programmable gate arry,FPGA)的印刷体数字识别系统。该系统采用基于数字统计特征的数字识别原理,以FPGA作为硬件平台并以摄像头作为图像数据采集设备,完成图像存储、图像数据处理、印刷体数字特征信息提取、特征模板匹配等一系列数字识别工作,并将识别的结果显示在FPGA的数码管上。为获得可靠性较高的数字特征信息,在系统中增加了显示屏来显示采集的图像数据,同时使显示屏横向约2/5和2/3处以及纵向1/2处显示黄色,以此作为数字的扫描线。为了有效提取数字特征信息,图像数据处理部分将原先图像转换为灰度图像,通过判断灰度图像值是否拉高,提取数字的统计特征值。系统通过调用锁相环(Phase Locked Loop,PLL)、先入先出队列(First Input First Output,FIFO)、乘法器等IP核,实现了对FPGA内部资源的合理利用。
FPGA-based digit recognition system
Abstract:Starting from the current research status of digit recognition in optical character recognition ,a printed digit recognition system based on field programmable gate array (FPGA) is constructed in this paper to improve recognition speed and system stability.
The system adopts the principle of digit recognition based on Digital Statistical features. Using FPGA as hardware platform and camera as image data acquisition equipment, a series of digit recognition tasks are completed, such as image storage, image data processing, extraction of printed digital feature information, matching of feature templates, etc and display the result of recognition on the digital tube of the FPGA. In order to obtain more reliable digital feature information, a display screen is added to display the collected image data, and yellow is displayed at about 2/5 and 2/3 of the horizontal and 1/2 of the vertical of the display screen as a digital scanning line. In order to extract the digital feature information effectively, the image data processing part transforms the original image into gray image, and extracts the statistical feature value of the digit by judging whether the gray image value is elevated or not. By calling IP cores such as PLL, FIFO queue, multiplier and so on, the system realizes the rational utilization of internal resources of the FPGA.
Key words:digit recognition;FPGA;digital statistical features

1绪论 1
1.1系统研发的背景及意义 1
1.2论文的主要工作和章节安排 2
2系统设计方案概述 3
2.1FPGA产品系列 3
2.2图像采集设备 3
2.3数字识别算法 4
2.4确定系统设计方案 6
2.5本章小结 8
3系统软件设计 9
3.1OV5640摄像头模块 9
3.2Sdram模块 12
3.3 LCD显示模块 15
3.4 图像数据格式转换模块 17
3.5数字识别模块 17
3.6数码管显示模块 19
3.7本章小结 19
4系统整体调试 21
5系统设计总结 28
参考文献 29
致谢 30