来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK716579 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK716579
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摘 要
At present, parking charges management system widespread charging method is not intelligent and equipment susceptible to failure and other problems, these problems easily lead to waste of resources, in order to solve these problems, this paper proposes a non-contact IC card as a charges voucher intelligent parking charges management system. Firstly, the subject of the background and the domestic and foreign situation were introduced, the results for the design has distinct significance.
The paper mainly studies the technology of contactless IC card, a number of electronic technology of SCM technology, SCM c language programming and sensor technology and take these technologies into the design, eventually completed the IC card intelligent parking fee management system project.
Research results show that the IC card intelligent parking fee management system is a new research topic which is combined with the hot new and high technology and practical problems.It has a beneficial effect on the development of people's economic life.
Characteristics of this article: mainly embodied in the card reader module of the software design.It makes the card reader can read card and billing function.And it don’t need the host computer.
Key Words:parking charge management system;non contact IC card;singlechip;Card reader

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题的研究背景 1
1.2 课题研究的目的及意义 1
1.3 停车场管理系统的国内外发展概况 2
1.4 停车场管理系统的发展趋势 2
1.5 课题研究内容及预期目标 3
第2章 非接触式IC卡技术 4
2.1 射频识别技术 4
2.1.1 射频识别技术的系统构成 4
2.1.2 射频识别技术的工作原理 4
2.1.3 射频识别技术的应用及发展前景 5
2.2 非接触式IC卡 6
2.2.1 非接触式IC卡的特点及分类 6
2.2.2 非接触IC卡应用的技术及发展趋势 8
2.2.3 非接触式IC卡的标准 9
第3章 读卡收费模块硬件设计 12
3.1 读卡收费模块硬件设计总体思路 12
3.2.1 MFRC522的硬件电路设计 13
3.2.2 MFRC522芯片特性 14
3.2.3 MFRC522芯片寄存器集 15
3.3 单片机的选择 17
3.3.1 STC89C51RC/RD+系列单片机硬件电路设计 17
3.3.2 STC89C51RC/RD+系列单片机特性 19
3.3.3 STC89C54RD+单片机的选择 19
3.4 电子标签的选择 20
第4章 读卡收费模块软件设计 21
4.1 读卡收费模块软件设计总体思路 21
4.2 读卡收费模块主程序设计 21
4.2.1 初始化程序设计 22
4.2.2 计时程序设计 22
4.2.3 读卡程序设计 23
4.3 MFRC522模块程序设计 23
4.4 LCD模块程序设计 24
第5章 出入口控制器模块设计 26
5.1 出入口控制器模块硬件设计 26
5.2 出入口控制器模块软件设计总体思路 27
5.3 出入口控制器模块主程序设计 29
第6章 功能调试及应用可行性分析 31
6.1 读卡收费模块调试 31
6.2 出入口控制器模块调试 33
6.3 系统应用可行性分析 34
第7章 总结 35
参考文献 36
致 谢 37