来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK716575 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK716575
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关键词:图形用户界面; 数据预处理; 数据分析; 加噪去噪分析
Digital signal analysis and processing system
Abstract:With the development of digital circuit and signal system technology and computer technology, the data preprocessing and analysis technology of digital signal has also been developed rapidly. Its application field is very extensive and has a good prospect of development both at home and abroad. In this paper, through the theoretical research of digital signal processing and analysis and the understanding of MATLAB algorithm, the design interface of digital signal analysis and processing system is designed.It contains data preprocessing interface (Including normalization, smoothing and filtering), data analysis part (including fast Fourier transform FFT and regression analysis), denoising analysis part (plus noise, denoising) and signal frequency calculation part; At the same time,I use visual applications to layout according to the functional requirements, which makes the results of the process are visually displayed; Finally, in order to meet the different needs, I add reset module and save module in the interface to facilitate user operation and use.
Key words:GUI; Data preprocessing;Data analysis; Noise enhancement &denoising analysis;

目 录
摘要 1
一、引言 1
1.1选题的目的及意义 3
1.2国内外研究现状 4
1.3研究方向及主要工作介绍 5
二、 软件设计 7
2.1软件结构设计 7
2.2GUI设计 9
2.1.1 理论介绍 9
2.1.2 用户界面的程序设计 10
2.3 数据信号输入模块 12
2.4 声卡信号采集模块 12
2.4.1 声卡的硬件结构及工作原理 12
2.4.2 声卡的性能指标 13
2.4.3 声卡采集信号过程 13
2.4.4 软件设计与实现 14
2.5 函数信号输入模块 14
2.6数据预处理模块 15
2.6.1归一化处理 15
2.6.2平滑处理 16
2.6.3 滤波处理 18
2.7数据分析模块 19
2.7.1傅里叶变换 19
2.7.2回归分析 21
2.8加噪去噪计算模块 21
三、 结果分析 23
四、 结论 26
参考文献 27
致谢 28