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Design of Lithium Battery capacity detection system
Abstract: The rapid development of electric vehicles to change the use of lithium batteries and areas, more and more cars began to use electric energy this clean energy, to improve the environment of the fog and haze in today's society has a very good role. Lithium battery has become more and more widely used in our life. If the capacity of the lithium battery can be measured in real time, the performance status can be detected, which can not be ignored. The graduation design focuses on the capacity of lithium batteries in electric vehicles. By using MSP430 of lithium battery open circuit voltage is sampled, the output current of current converted and sent to the microcontroller to sample, by measuring the voltage value through the operation to approximate the capacity of the lithium battery. Finally, all the results are aggregated to the LCD screen displayed..
Key words: Lithium battery; Capacity detection;MSP430;electric vehicle

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究概况 2
1.3本论文的主要工作 3
2 锂电池的参数及检测方法 3
2.1 锂电池简介 3
2.2 性能指标 4
2.3 锂电池检测方法 5
3 硬件系统设计 7
3.1 系统框图 7
3.2 主控芯片 8
3.3 LM2577升压稳定模块 9
3.4 电流放大模块 9
3.5 LCD1602显示模块 10
3.6 其他电路 12
4 软件部分 13
4.1系统主程序 13
4.2 ADC采集程序 15
4.3 LCD液晶显示程序 15
4.4 电量测算...........................16
5 系统调试 18
6 总结 18
参考文献 19
致谢 21