Fault diagnosis of diesel engine based on CPN neural network
Abstract:In recent years, large capacity diesel engine set is an important power source in people's daily life.Once the operation is abnormal, it will cause serious accidents and economic losses. So it is necessary to establish a set of condition monitoring and fault diagnosis system in order to determine the fault location.In this paper, the fault diagnosis method of CPN neural network is applied to diesel engine unit, overcome the artificial diagnosis accuracy of the traditional low, cumbersome steps, disadvantages of long diagnosis time, enhance the generalization ability, improve the convergence speed and accuracy, which can achieve the diagnosis effect more excellent than the general diagnostic method.Through this method can make the engine more efficient operation, timely solve problems, make operation cost is greatly reduced, the economic benefit is improved, at the same time to avoid more accidents, the important research topic of power industry which is facing at home and abroad, has an important engineering significance.
Key words: diesel engine; condition monitoring; fault diagnosis; neural network

摘要 1
Abstract 2
1绪论 3
1.1研究背景和意义 3
1.2国内外研究现状及趋势 5
2柴油机组简介 9
2.1柴油机系统结构 9
2.2柴油机工作原理 9
2.3柴油机常见故障类型 9
3柴油机组诊断原理 10
3.1数据预处理与特征提取 10
3.2故障诊断的时域分析法 10
3.3故障诊断的频域分析法 11
4对偶神经网络 12
4.1神经网络简介 12
4.2对偶传播神经网络(CPN)组成结构 13
4.3对偶神经网络的学习算法 14
5故障诊断实例研究 16
5.1诊断流程 16
5.2特征选择 17
5.3神经网络建模 17
5.4故障诊断的实现 21
6结论与展望 26
参考文献 27
附录 29
致谢 32