关键词:图像滤波; 逆滤波; 均值滤波; 中值滤波; 改进后的中值滤波
Image filtering method and its MATLAB implementation
ABSTRACT:In digital image processing, due to the limitation of imaging method, important information of image, edges and details of the characteristics, often buried in noise signal,which will affect the post processing such as edge detection, image segmentation, image matching. Therefore, proper preprocessing of noisy images is essentialin image processingImage denoising is a widely used technology in image preprocessing , its role is to improve the image signal-to-noise ratio and enchance thedesired regions of image. the quality of the imagecan be improved by image filtering. Denoise and deblur, try best to restore a high quality image.In this paper, the principle of the image filtering algorithm is discussed in detail, at the same time, the different programs are designed to evaluate effect in the Matlab. The results show that the improved algorithm has a better performance than the traditional algorithm, which can not only remove the noise effectively, but also keep the image details.
Key words:image filtering; inverse filtering; mean filtering; median filtering; improved median filtering

目 录
摘要 1
1 绪论 3
2 图像滤波概述 4
2.1 图像退化的原因及数学模型 4
2.1.1图像退化的原因 4
2.1.2图像退化和复原的数学模型 4
2.2 图像的噪声 5
2.2.1 噪声的分类 5
2.2.2 噪声的特征 8
2.2.3 噪声的算法 8
2.2.4 衡量滤波效果的重要参数 9
2.3 图像复原中的难点 9
3 空域滤波方法 10
3.1 逆滤波法 10
3.2 均值滤波 12
3.2.1 算术均值滤波器 12
3.2.2 几何均值滤波器 12
3.2.3 谐波均值滤波器 12
3.2.4 逆谐波均值滤波器 13
4 中值滤波 14
4.1 中值滤波的概述 14
4.2 传统中值滤波对椒盐噪声的算法 15
4.3 基于窗口移动的快速中值滤波 17
5 改进后的中值滤波 18
5.1加权的中值滤波 18
5.2 自适应中值滤波方法 19
6 总结 21
致谢 28