摘 要
Commonly used methods of long-distance pipeline transportation of crude oil, because most of our crude oil, "three high" crude oil, which has a high with wax, high freezing point and high viscosity characteristics, especially in the eastern oil into a large area of high water cut hair and heavy oil and natural gas is easier to precipitate solidified. So in the transportation process, the need to keep oil heating, to ensure the smooth transportation of crude oil pipeline.
In a joint station systems, commonly used oil furnace, is a large inertia, pure hysteresis, strong coupling system becomes highly nonlinear and complex, oil furnace as a complex control system, using traditional control method is difficult for such systems for effective control.
This paper introduces the development status and significance of crude oil is heated Union Station, the development of oil furnace and fuzzy control methods and application background; then discusses the basic structure and the oil furnace process principles, characteristics analysis and control difficulties; elaborated mathematical foundations of fuzzy control, fuzzy set theory based on fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning and fuzzy inference control block. Finally, the basic principles of fuzzy control study describes the basic principles of fuzzy controller design and the mathematical model for oil furnace, designed single input fuzzy controller, dual-input controller, and with self-adjusting factor fuzzy controller and conducted experiments based simulation matlab matrix laboratory. Experimental results show that the fuzzy controller input, dual-input controller, and with self-adjusting factor fuzzy controller, three control methods can get good control effect.
Keywords:Union Station; Fuzzy control; Matlab

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及意义 1
1.2 油田联合站自动化现状及发展动态 2
1.3 油田加热炉的发展 4
1.4 模糊控制方法产生背景及应用 6
1.5 本文主要工作 7
第2章 油田加热炉工艺原理和控制方法 9
2.1 油田加热炉的基本结构和工作原理 9
2.2 特性分析与控制难点 10
2.3 本章小结 12
第3章 油田加热炉模糊控制器设计 14
3.1 模糊控制概述 14
3.2 模糊控制基本原理 14
3.3 模糊控制器类型 16
3.4 模糊控制器的设计 17
3.5 本章小结 20
第4章 加热炉温度控制仿真 21
4.1 仿真软件功能描述 21
4.2 加热炉燃烧数学模型 21
4.3 基于单输入模糊控制器的仿真 22
4.4 基于双输入模糊控制器的仿真 26
4.5 带自调因子的模糊控制器的仿真 31
4.6 本章小结 34
结论 35
参考文献 36
致谢 38
附录 39