摘 要
本文综述信号去噪的研究现状,通过对信号去噪方法的研究,从理论上分析了小波变换作为新型信号处理工具的优越性;然后重点研究小波收缩去噪算法,在分析了传统小波阈值收缩去噪算法的优缺点之后,引入一种自适应小波阈值函数和自适应阈值算法;在MATLAB软件环境下,通过对其工具箱中特有的Heavy sine曲线和Bumps曲线进行小波收缩去噪仿真试验,以此来验证小波收缩算法的有效性。实验结果表明,本文提出的小波阈值收缩去噪算法对比传统小波阈值收缩算法去噪效果更好。
关键词: 噪声干扰;小波收缩;自适应阈值;MATLAB
Signal will inevitably suffer the interference of various noises during the process of collection, transmission and acquisition, those noises is also greatly influences people to obtain useful information from the signal, therefore, the study of signal denoising is very important. Recently wavelet denoising is the popular technology in the field of signal and information processing, resulting in an increasing numbers of experts and scholars has paid attention to using wavelet algorithm in signal denoising and achieved the excellent effect.
This paper reviews the research status of signal de-noising, through the study of signal de-noising methods, theoretical analysis of wavelet transform as a new signal processing tools superiority. Then focus on the wavelet shrinkage denoising, after analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional wavelet threshold shrinkage denoising,introducing an adaptive wavelet threshold function and adaptive threshold algorithm. In the MATLAB software environment, by performing Heavy sine curve and Bumps curve its unique toolbox wavelet shrinkage denoising simulation then verified the effectiveness of wavelet shrinkage algorithm. The results show, The proposed wavelet threshold shrinkage denoising algorithm better than traditional wavelet threshold shrinkage algorithms.
Key words: Noise interference; Wavelet shrinkage; Adaptive threshold; MATLAB

目 录
第1章 概 述 1
1.1研究课题的目的及意义 1
1.2信号去噪的研究现状 1
1.3本文主要研究内容 3
第2章 小波变换基本理论 4
2.1小波变换简介 4
2.2小波变换发展概述和发展现状 5
2.3 连续小波变换 6
2.4 离散小波变换 8
2.5 小波变换优势 9
2.6 本章小结 10
第3章 小波收缩法研究 11
3.1 小波去噪方法 11
3.2 小波收缩算法 12
3.3 小波收缩法小波基的选择 13
3.4 小波收缩法阈值函数的选择 14
3.5 小波收缩法阈值选择 17
3.6 本章小结 19
第4章 基于MATLAB的小波收缩法信号仿真 20
4.1 MATLAB介绍 20
4.2 白噪声特性与信号去噪性能评价标准 22
4.3 对Heavy sine曲线进行仿真 24
4.4 对Bumps曲线进行仿真 25
4.5 本章小结 27
结 论 28
参考文献 29
致 谢 31