摘 要
In recent years, with the great development of signal transmission and processing technology, H∞ filtering theory is also increasingly maturing. A series of effective filtering algorithms and the corresponding filters are put forward. Among them, the non-fragile filter can still maintain a certain performance under the condition of parameter perturbation, so that the non-fragile filter can make the closed-loop system have good stability performance. Therefore, the non-fragile filter is used in a wide field. So it has important practical significance that we study the non-fragile filter.
On the basis of overall need analysis and system imagination, in view of the discrete systems based on LMI, by relieving the coupling between Lyapunov matrix and the matrix of the system, the non-fragile H∞ problem with system parameters uncertainty and multipli filter parameters variation is studied in this paper. On the Linear Matrix Inequality Approach(LMI), a scheme which can sovlve uncertain discrete systems non-fragile filter designing problem is provided. The scheme can not only make the filtering error system stable, and can guarantee that the system has certain H∞ performance.
Key words:discrete system;Linear Matrix Inequality;filter;non-fragile
1.3 论文研究的主要内容
1.4 论文的安排

目 录
第1章 概述 1
1.1 研究背景及目的、意义 1
1.2 国内外发展状况介绍 3
1.3 论文研究的主要内容 4
1.4 论文的安排 4
第2章 基础知识及预备引理 5
2.1 符号说明 5
2.2 李雅普诺夫稳定性理论 5
2.3 线性矩阵不等式 7
2.4 不确定性系统的模型 10
2.5 相关引理 13
2.6 小结 13
第3章 离散系统非脆弱H∞滤波器设计 14
3.1 基本概念 14
3.2 预期非脆弱H∞滤波器设计问题描述 15
3.3 系统稳定性分析 17
3.4 H∞滤波器设计 21
3.5 小结 23
第4章 数值仿真 24
4.1 Matlab软件介绍 24
4.2 程序流程图 25
4.3 仿真结果及分析 26
4.4 小结 30
结论 31