摘 要
In recent years, photovoltaic technology has broad application. As our country's new energy law enacted, the photovoltaic power system in our country will have a broader space for development. Inverter is an important component in PV system. Its performance has great influence on the application of photovoltaic system. Currently, the domestic pure sine wave output inverter mainly uses 50Hz transformer for raising the output voltage, this paper is still developed an inverter by using the “Full-bridge circuit + LC filter + Isolator transformer” design proposal. The whole system is divided into SPWM waveform generator circuit, H bridge driver circuit and the inverter circuit, low voltage and over-current protection circuit.
In SPWM waveform generation part, this paper uses SG3525 PWM chip core. The Wien bridge oscillation circuit generates 50Hz sine reference signal. After this signal precision rectification, amplification and other processing of the compensation signal input to the SG3525-side, so this part output the SPWM wave. Finally, the SPWM signals enter into the driving circuit after dead-time delay.
In the design of drive circuit part, using two IR2110 half-bridge driver chips constitute a full-bridge driver circuit. The output side of inverter switch circuit selects high voltage value MOSFET. Then through 50Hz transformer, boost to the mains for household appliances. Testing the samples of the input and output voltage, real-time monitoring is under-voltage, over current, protection action.
Finally, rated power for 500W (Input voltage 12V, Output communication 220V) single-phase ac inverter prototype test waveforms have been given.
KEY WORDS: PV power, Inverter, SPWM, SG3525, IR2110

目 录
前 言 1
第1章 系统设计概述 3
§1.1 光伏电源逆变器的基本结构和设计要求 3
§1.1.1 系统的基本结构 3
§1.1.2 系统的基本设计要求 3
§1.2 系统电源设计 4
§1.3 逆变电路 4
§1.3.1 逆变电路的基本工作原理 4
§1.3.2 电压型逆变电路 5
§1.4 SPWM调制技术 6
§1.4.1 理论基础 6
§1.4.2 单极SPWM调制方式 7
§1.4.3 双极性SPWM调制方式 8
第2章 SPWM调制电路 9
§2.1 SG3525芯片介绍 9
§2.1.1 功能结构 9
§2.1.2 SG3525特性 10
§2.2 单极性SPWM调制电路 11
§2.2.1 SPWM调制电路结构 11
§2.2.2 正弦波发生器 12
§2.2.3 精密整流电路 14
§2.2.4 误差放大及加法电路 15
§2.2.5 SPWM调制 16
§2.2.6 时序控制电路 17
第3章 逆变电路 19
§3.1 IR2110芯片介绍 23
3.1.1功能结构 23
§3.1.2 IR2110特性 24
§3.2 驱动电路设计 26
§3.3 输出滤波器设计 27
§3.4 保护电路设计 29
第4章 系统调试 32
§4.1 信号板电路的调试 32
§4.2 信号板与H桥联调 34
§4.3 保护电路调试 36
结 论 37
参考文献 38
附 录 41