The automobile experiment set electric circuit control system
摘 要
关键词:VB6.0;Atmega16L;TLC5618 D/A转换芯片;Access数据库
From the automobile birth, the car maintenance industry has been accompany with the development but growth of the automobile industry, the car maintenance industry has become the service of the transportation industry essential to have to pay the pillar and guarantee. Particularly,in the last several decades, along with the development of national economic level, the construction and development of expressway is swift and violent, the traffic mileage increases fast. The improvement of the road condition, The improvement of road state make speed of automobile more and more fast, the close relation of car maintenance industry also turns along with the automobile high technology of development, appear some new features.The reform and development of the car maintenance system technical change, the content of course,teaching means,the teaching equipmentseses that urge car maintenance a personnel to train all should make a reform for correspond.Because in the modern car maintenance, the vehicle that has breakdown is using the examination diagnosis instrument or equipments carry on correspond first of check, and then from maintain a technical personnel according to own knowledge ability and experience, makes a diagnosis for correspond towards checking a result after carry on the comprehensive analysis, connect down again from major personnel's independence or guide a minor a personnel completion to break down expel or fix mission, check to seek break down have of time reach 70% of total maintenance time above, so development the design can carry on to break down imitate and break down to analyze diagnosis of experiment set, used for the training of the car maintenance employee, raise the car maintenance personnel's character, thus attain exaltation maintain the purpose of the quality and efficiency.In addition teacher while making use of the experiment set to carry on a teaching, various break down phenomenon well of leak to make suddenly and violently the student comprehend more easily, remember also deeper, study an efficiency will significantly high.
Key Words: VB6.0;Atmega16L;TLC5618;Access- Database

目 录
1 引言 1
2 ATMEGA16L单片机 2
2.1单片机的概述 2
2.2单片机的复位电路 3
2.3单片机的晶振电路 5
2.4单片机的程序下载 8
3 数模转换芯片TLC5618 10
3.1 TLC5618功能特性 10
3.2 TLC5618芯片结构 11
3.3 TLC5618的C语言程序 13
4 串口转并口芯片74HC595 14
4.1功能特性 14
4.2芯片结构 14
4.3 时序图 16
4.4 74HC595的C语言程序 17
5 继电器驱动芯片ULN2084 18
5.1功能特性 18
5.2 ULN2084的内部结构图 18
6 单片机串口电路 19
6.1串口通信简介 19
6.2 MAX232电路连接图 19
6.3实物串口连接线示意图 20
7 系统抗干扰设计 21
8 电路分析 22
8.1 驱动电路分析 22
8.2模拟故障分析 22
8.3 PCB板故障代码分布图 23
9 VB软件设计 25
9.1 VB6.0软件介绍 25
9.2功能介绍 26
9.3 VB6.0软件的编程思想 26
9.4 VB6.0程序(附录1) 27
10 单片机程序设计 28
10.1单片机的编程思想 30
10.2单片机程序流程图 30
10.3单片机程序(附录2) 30
11 调试结果 31
11.1调试过程 31
11.2 结果 31
结论 32
参 考 文 献 33
附录1:VB6.0程序 34
附录2:单片机程序 37
附录3: 单片机控制电路的PCB图 49
附录4: 模拟故障控制板的PCB图 50
附录5: 开路故障控制板的PCB图 51
附录6: 单片机控制电路的原理图 52
附录7: 模拟故障控制板原理图 53
附录8: 开路故障控制板原理图 54
附录9: 整体实物图 55
附录10:英文原文 56
附录11:英文译文 63
致 谢 67