摘 要
Suspension is an component of the important assembly of the automobile, it guarantees to contact with a flexible between the wheels or axles and bearing system, and can transfer loads、relax impulsion、reduce vibration and regulate the body position of the vehicle in traffic, and have a direct impact on ride comfort and operate stability.
With the increasing requirement of the vehicle's ride comfort and road security, the design of suspension with good performance has become more and more important. As a traditional passive suspension having a constant spring stiffness and damper coefficient which is not interfering with the road surface and the load change, so it is necessary to design a new style suspension. Active suspension and modern control theory and development of electronic technology, and its stiffness and damping coefficients can prosper, to adapt to different working environment, improve vehicle ride comfort and road holding. So it is significant to research and develop active suspension.
Firstly, according to the Newton theorem, the paper use the vehicle dynamics theory, and set up the dynamics model of the passive suspension and the second freedom active suspension system based on 1/4 of the body. And translate the differential equations into a form of expression of the state equations. And establish the road roughness mathematical model of the road input signal for sine, step random and white noise signal, and achieve the simulation. At the same time, outlined the three evaluation index of the suspension performance, such as the body vertical acceleration, the relatively dynamic load of the wheel, the suspension dynamic deflection. And build the simulation model plans of the control system of the automobile suspension by the Matlab/Simulink software, including the importable model of the road, the passive suspension model, the active suspension model of the PID control. And run the simulation model map to achieve the simulation of the different input signal of the suspension control system. Finally, analysis the simulation results of the evaluation index of the suspension performance .
Key words: Active suspension; MATLAB; Modeling; PID control; Simulation

目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
目 录 V
1 绪 论 1
1.1 悬架系统介绍 1
1.1.1 悬架的功能 1
1.1.2 悬架的分类 1
1.2 主动悬架控制理论研究的目的和意义 4
1.3 国内外主动悬架理论研究动态 4
1.3.1 国内外主动悬架的理论 4
1.3.2 国内外主动悬架的应用 5
1.3.3 国内外主动悬架研究趋势 5
1.4 本论文主要研究内容 6
2 汽车悬架平顺性评价方法 8
2.1 汽车平顺性概述 8
2.1.1 汽车平顺性的研究发展概况 8
2.2 影响汽车平顺性的因素 10
2.2.l 路面不平度统计特性的研究 10
2.2.2 影响平顺性的车身部件的研究 10
2.3 汽车平顺性评价方法 11
2.4 汽车悬架系统的评价指标 12
3 主动悬架控制系统的动力学模型 13
3.1 主动悬架的数学模型 13
3.1.1 概述 13
3.1.2 两自由度主动悬架的动力学模型 14
3.2 路面路谱模型建立 16
3.2.1 路面不平度的功率谱 17
3.2.2 空间频率谱函数与时间频率谱函数的转化 18
4 基于1/4主动悬架系统模型的PID控制 21
4.1 主动悬架PID控制理论 21
4.1.1 PID控制 21
4.2 PID控制器的参数整定 24
5 系统的计算机仿真结果与分析 26
5.1 仿真环境Matlab/Simulink简介 26
5.2 仿真实验和结果分析 27
5.2.1 白噪声信号下的比较: 27
5.2.2 阶跃信号下的比较: 34
5.2.3 正弦信号下的比较: 41
6 总结和展望 49
6.1 总结 49
6.2 不足之处和展望 49
致 谢 51
参考文献 52
附 录 53