摘 要:随着新能源的开发愈来愈受到重视,太阳能利用技术得以迅速发展,光伏发电成为一个重要的领域。太阳能水泵亦称光伏扬水系统,主要由光伏扬水逆变器、交流水泵和太阳能电池阵列组成。
The Design Of DC-AC Inverter For The Solar Pump System
Abstract:Gven pervasive renewable energy exploitation,especially photovoltaic generation is developed rapidly and gradually becomes an important research field. Solar energy water pump is also called the photovoltaic importance system, mainly by photovoltaic importance inverter, exchange water pump and solar array composition.
Use of solar water pump system take an inexhaustible an inexhaustible solar power, energy saving and environmental protection of the whole process of carrying water, no pollution, photovoltaic pumping system does not require diesel fuel, no electricity, no energy storage battery to water storage alternativeelectrical storage, significantly reduce system construction and maintenance costs, especially for agriculture or desert areas of the arid power shortage. In this paper, solar water pumping system for the study, focused on the DC / AC inverter system has been optimized.
This design is for photovoltaic inverter power supply system, discusses the DC/AC photovoltaic inverter technology present situation, development, production and application. Among them by the use of the chip TL494CN constitute the core of the inverter control circuit, and in a circuit choose the EI33 type of high frequency transformers, and greatly reduce the cost and weight of the inverter power supply, and gradually improve the performance of the inverter. The whole circuit will enter 12V dc through the secondary frequency varying change into the 220V/ 50Hz ac output after, and with output over-voltage protection, input over-voltage protection and overheating protection etc. Function.
Key Words:Solar,Inverter,High-frequency transformer.

目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
1.1 课题选题背景 2
1.2 逆变技术的现状及趋势 3
1.3 采用逆变技术的目的 4
1.4 采用逆变技术的优越性 5
2 课题有关内容的研究现状 6
2.1 光伏水泵系统 7
2.2 逆变器主电路的基本形式 7
2.3 逆变电源的关键问题 7
2.4 光伏逆变器的现状 8
2.5 本章小结 9
3 光伏逆变电源原理 9
3.1 光伏DC-AC逆变器介绍 9
3.2 光伏逆变器的工作原理 9
3.2.1 基本构成 9
3.2.2 电路工作原理 10
3.3 变压器磁芯选择以及工作磁感应强度确定 11
3.3.1 变压器磁芯选择 11
3.3.2 工作磁感应强度确定 11
3.3.3 变压器主要设计参数计算 11
3.4 逆变器的主要元件及其特性 13
3.4.1 TL494 电流模式PWM 控制器 13
3.4.2 场控应管 16
3.4.3 三极管的选择 17
3.5 逆变电路及其保护电路的设计 17
3.5.1 DC-DC 变换电路 17
3.5.2 DC-AC逆变电路 18
3.5.3 输入过压保护电路 19
3.5.4 输出过压保护电路 20
3.5.5 TL494芯片I外围电路 21
3.5.6 TL494芯片II外围电路 22
3. 6 本章小结 22
4 仿真及程序流程图 22
4.1 仿真波形图 22
4.2 系统控制流程图 23
4.3 调试 24
4.4 本章小结 24
5 毕业设计总结 24
参考文献 24
致谢 25
附录 26