摘 要
In order to accurately understand the anti-lock braking system performance, often using computer simulation technology to conduct research. This design uses Matlab / Simulink simulation of the car braking in a straight line movement, the ABS system of control of a computer simulation. Compared with the common experimental analysis,it has fsater analsing speed, higher precision, shorter period, etc. besides, it saves much labor and material resources.
The establishment of antilock brake systems is the result of the combination of computer and actual production. Model of antilock brake systems can take place of the dangerous experiments,improve the safety and save much money. At the same time, it helps get the result as soon as possible. So that the function of the product can be made better. in a word, it provides an effective method to the reserch and development of the antilock braking system.
The project briefly introduces the principles of the braking system .It gets antilock braking system controlling algorithm according to the establishment of ordinary braking system and methematical antilock braking system. On the basis of methematical model, it uses Matlab/Simulink software to eatablish a simulate template of an ordinary braking system and an antilock braking system to analyses the motional changing regularity of kinds of parameters of vehicle which installed with ordinary braking system and the vehicle with antilock braking system. When the results are compared, we get to know that antilock braking system can not only prevent the wheels form been braken while braking, but also controll the moving condition of them. So that this design of the braking process’s simulation analysis is effective.
Key words:brake;antilock braking system;simulation;Matlab/Simulink

目 录
摘 要 III
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的意义 1
1.2 研究内容 1
2 防抱死制动系统概述 2
2.1 汽车防抱死制动系统ABS的功能 2
2.2ABS制动系统研究的理论状态 2
3 防抱死制动系统基本原理 4
3.1 制动时汽车的运动 4
3.2 滑移率定义 6
3.3 滑移率与附着系数的关系 7
3.4制动时车轮的受力分析 8
3.5 采用防抱死制动系统的必要性 10
3.6 防抱死制动系统基本工作原理 11
3.7 ABS控制技术及发展现状 12
4 基于MATLAB软件的仿真分析 15
4.1计算机仿真 15
4.1.1 计算机仿真的分类 15
4.1.2 Matlab及Simulink的简要介绍 15
4.2 制动方程建立 18
4.2.1 盘式制动器制动力矩的计算 18
4.2.2 车轮模型的动力学方程 20
4.3 在MATLAB中建立无ABS制动的模型 24
4.4 在MATLAB中建立汽车ABS制动模型 26
4.4.1开关控制的ABS系统仿真 26
4.4.2P I D控制的ABS系统仿真 28
4.4.3门限控制ABS的系统仿真 30
4.5 MATLAB仿真的参数及结果 31
4.5.1 仿真参数 31
4.5.2无ABS的仿真结果 32
4.5.3开关控制ABS的仿真结果 34
4.5.4 PID控制ABS的仿真结果 36
4.6不同情况下的组合分析 38
5 总结与展望 41
总结 41
展望 41
致 谢 42
参考文献 43
附录 44