摘 要:单片机以其高可靠性,低廉的价格,低电压,低功耗等一系列优点,近些年得到了迅猛的发展和大范围推广,广泛的应用于工控系统,通讯设备及日常消费类产品中,并已深入到工业生产和人民生活中的各个方面中。
Design of Permanent Calendar Based AVR Single Chip Microcomputer
Abstract:In recent years, microcontroller has been the rapid development and large-scale promotion with its high reliability, low cost, low voltage, low power consumption and series of advantages. It has been widely used in industrial control systems, communication equipment and everyday consumer products. In addition, it has gone deep into all aspect of industrial production and our day lives.
This design using ATMEL's ATMEGA16 microcontroller as the core for the control. Time Circuit which is constituted by Dallas's DS1302 real-time clock chip. DS1302clock chip is introduced by American DALLAS Corporation has fine current trickle charging function low power real-time clock chip, it can be years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds for time, also has a variety of functions such as a leap year compensation, but also DS1302has long service life, small error; LED display screen, support for dynamic and character display, can also show the year, month, day, week, time, minutes and seconds, and other information. In addition, the electronic clock also has time to modify the proofreading function. Finally it achieved a clock display, clock adjusts and power-failure recover .It increased functionality for the temperature display by DS18B20 and the alarm by ATMEGA16 on-chip EEPROM.
Keywords: Microcontroller; AVR;DS1302;Calendar
3 系统硬件电路设计
