摘 要:在现代化的工业生产中,电流、电压、温度、压力、流量、流速和开关量都是常用的主要被控参数。单片机对温度的控制问题是一个工业生产中经常会遇到的问题。本文从硬件和软件两方面介绍了AVR单片机温度控制系统的设计思想,对硬件原理图和程序框图作了简捷的描述。目前传统的测温元件有热电偶和热电阻,而它们测出的一般都是电压,再转化成对应的温度,需要比较多的外部硬件支持,电路复杂,软件调试复杂,制作成本高。本设计采用一种智能传感器DS18B20作为检测元件,采用AVR单片机来对温度进行控制,不仅具有控制方便、组态简单和灵活性大等优点,而且可以大幅度提高被监控温度的技术指标,从而能够大大提高产品的质量和数量。
The Design of Temperature Control System Based On AVR Single Chip Computer
Abstract: It is major controlled parameter that in modern industrial production, current, voltage, temperature, pressure, rate of flow, current velocity and switch measure. For instance: In many fields such as metallurgical industry, chemical production, power project, papermaking profession, mechanical production and food processing, they need to carry out detection and control as each kind heats up the temperature in stove, how to reaction stove and boiler. At present there are the traditional elements thermocouple and thermal resistance, but they are generally measured the voltage, then replaced by the corresponding temperature, needs more external hardware, complex circuits, software debugging complex, high production costs. Then switch to a DS18B20 detect components. Since we user AVR Single Chip Computer to control temperature, not only have control convenience, group from simple and flexibility, advantage, and the technical that can raise controlled temperature substantially and raise quantity or the quality of product greatly. Therefore only flat machine how to control system, for hardware principle picture and program block diagram have made simple describe.
Keywords: AVR Single Chip Computer; thermocouple; thermal resistance; DS18B20; temperature
在这次设计中,充分利用了AVR Atmega16 单片机的内部资源,使系统集成度高。在原创基础上对某些方面功能进行强化,增多了某些功能,这全依赖于系统丰富的硬件资源以及C语言的高效性、方便性和灵活性。最终系统实现的功能有:使用DS18B20温度传感器完成实时温度监控,并显示在LCD1602液晶显示屏上,还能实现高低温过温报警,温度数据的定时采集保存,其中温度数据可断电保存,并可通过串口发送至电脑进行统计分析。
