摘 要
随着科技的快速发展,时间的流逝,至从观太阳、摆钟到现在电子钟,人类不断研究,不断创新纪录。基于单片机的电子日历毕业设计,通过对《单片机原理及应用》课程的温故,以及结合单片机电子日历的设计思路,从而成功地完成了单片机电子日历的设计。该电路采用AT89S52单片机作为主控制系统,功耗小,能在3V的低压工作,电压可选用3~5V电压供电;采用LED数码管动态扫描,LED数码管价格适中,对于显示数字最合适,而且采用动态扫描法与单片机连接时,占用的单片机口线少; 采用DS1302时钟芯片实现时钟,DS1302芯片是一种高性能的时钟芯片,可自动对秒、分、时、日、月、年进行计数,而且精度高,位的RAM做为数据暂存区,工作电压2.5V~5.5V范围内,2.5V时耗电小于300nA。
SCM e-Calendar
With the rapid development of technology, the passage of time, to view the sun from, pendulum clock to the present clock, the human continuous research and innovation records. Electronic calendars based on single chip design graduate, through the "Principles and Applications" course of the difficult things, and electronic calendar, the single chip design ideas to the successful completion of the microcontroller design of electronic calendar. The Microcontroller AT89S52 circuit as the main control system, power consumption, low-voltage work in 3V, the voltage can choose 3 ~ 5V voltage supply; using dynamic scanning LED digital tube, LED digital tube affordable, show figures for the most appropriate and dynamic scanning connection with the MCU, the MCU port lines occupy less; using DS1302 clock chip clock, DS1302 clock chip is a high performance chips that can automatically seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years to count, and high precision, bit of RAM as a temporary data storage area, operating voltage range of 2.5V ~ 5.5V, 2.5V when power consumption is less than 300nA.
In summary this e-calendar is easy to read, intuitive display, versatile, circuit simplicity, low cost and many other advantages to meet the development trend of electronic instruments and meters, and has broad market prospects.
KEY WORDS: Clock circuits,DS1302,dynamic scan,SCM
(1) 设计一个单片机控制的电子日历(采用AT89S52单片机);
综上各方案所述,对此次作品的方案选定: 采用AT89S52作为主控制系统; DS1302提供时钟;LED数码管动态扫描作为显示。
