摘 要:本设计针对楼宇灯具的智能控制方面的发展现状,分析了楼宇灯具智能控制的原理和实现方法,提出了基于单片机的教学楼灯具智能控制系统的设计思路,并在此基础上开发了智能控制系统的硬件装置和相应软件。
Design of Building Light Charge System Based on MCU
Abstract: Currently light intelligent control systems are not efficiently used in the buildings. In order to improve the system, based on the theory of the light control and current methods of how to keep control, put forward methods of developing intelligent light control system on the basis of AT89C51 for school buildings, and developed the hardware and software of the system.
This classroom light intelligent control system is developed, which machine of AT89C51 is a major part, and the environment of development is better than before. This system can satisfy the following functions, such as controlling the circuit of illumination, testing and processing daylight signal, testing and processing the signal of human body that illuminates the back track exists. In order to satisfy these functions, the system adopted the homologous methods respectively, and to the gearing of the system, analyzing how to install, test and run the system.
The microcontroller software was developed based on assemble language. Assemble language adopts building block design, its commonality is very good and easy to improve and expand. The experiment proved that the system can satisfy the control command of the classroom’s light device, so it could largely reduce the consuming of energy resources.
Key words: Intelligent light control; SCM; Infrared ray; human body; ambient light
