来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK73635 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK73635
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关键词: HEF4752 整流器 MCS-51单片机 晶闸管 8253定时器 三相异步电动
In the design of AC speed control system, using non-controlled rectifier circuit, capacitor filter; inverter three-phase inverter using power transistors. Controlled by variable speed system design is slip frequency control. By changing the process to achieve the purpose of controlling speed. The overall structure of the system mainly by the main circuit, driving circuit, optical isolation circuit, HEF4752 large scale integrated circuits, protection circuits, Intel Series MCU, Intel8253 timer / counter, Intel8255 programmable interface chip, Intel8279 common keyboard / display, I / O interface chip, CD4527 divider ratio and the tachometer generator and other components. With the detection circuit protection circuit can make the system more secure operation.
Keywords: HEF4752 rectifier SCR MCS-51 8253Microcontroller Timer Motor

目录 16000字
摘要 II
Summary III
第1章 绪论 1
第2章 交流调速的发展 3
第3章 用单片机控制的交流调速 6
第4章 用单片机控制的电机交流调速系统设计 14
4.1 调速系统总体方案设计及单元模块的设计 14
4.1.1调速系统总体方案设计 14
4.1.2单元模块的设计 14
4.2原器件的选择 24
4.3 系统主回路的设计以及参数计算 31
4.4 系统软件的设计 34
4.4.1 程序框图及其介绍 34
4.4.2 部分子程序 40
结束语 42
参考文献 43
致谢 44
附录 45