摘 要
饭店、酒楼和家庭中,餐具 器皿用毕,要进行消毒,才能保持清洁卫生,继续使用。传统的消毒方法,用将餐具器皿放在锅中蒸煮加热。温度上升到125度时,餐具器皿上的细菌和病毒,才 会被彻底杀灭。这对耐高温的陶瓷、金属餐具器皿,无关紧要。然而,一些塑料、玻璃等材料制成餐具器皿,因耐不起高温,在高温蒸煮的过程中,易变形,甚至发 生爆裂。有了臭氧消毒柜,这些问题就可以迎刃而解了。
常见的消毒柜有上下两层。上层采用电子臭氧消毒法,下层采用远红外高温加热消毒法。上层的消 毒柜内,有一组电子升压电路,能形成6000伏以上的高压,使空气电离,产生臭氧。臭氧是一种强氧化剂和杀菌剂,它的原子结构很不稳定,极易逃逸出单个氧 原子,充满在消毒柜中,四处飞舞。单个氧原子遇到餐具器皿上的细菌和病毒,就会立即进入它们的细胞内部,使它们迅速氧化,破坏他们的结构与氧化酶,将它们 全部杀死,起到消毒作用。臭氧还能扩散到消毒柜的各个角落,将细菌和病毒赶尽杀绝,使消毒更加彻底。
基于AT89S52单片机消毒柜控制系统的设 计,是以低功耗、高性能CMOS8位微处理器AT89S52为核心,借助实用的C语言,形成功能完善的控制软件,从技术应用层面上解决了消毒柜的消毒、加 热、照明以及LED数码动态扫描显示和蜂鸣器呜叫等控制功能。给出了硬件的完整电路和软件的编写流程,便于实际应用。
Hotels,restaurants and family,dishes with finish,want to undertake disinfection,can maintain clean sanitation,continue to use.The traditional disinfection methods,with will put the pot cooking dishes heating.The temperature rise to 125 degrees of dishes,
bacteria and viruses will be completely kill.The high temperature resistant ceramics,the metal dishes,irrelevant.However,some materials such as plastics,glass vessels,made by can't afford tableware of high temperature resistance,in high-temperature cooking process,changeful form,even burst.Have the ozone disinfection cabinet,these problems can be solved.
Common alexipharmic ark have fluctuation two layers.By electronic ozone disinfection law upper and lower used far infrared heating disinfection method.Upper disinfection cabinet,there is a group of electronic pressurization circuit,can form more than 6,000 volts, air pressure, generated ozone ionization. Ozone is a strong oxidizer and disinfectants, its atomic structure is very unstable and could easily escaping from the individual oxygen atoms, and filled in disinfection ark, flying around. Single oxygen atoms meet the dishes on bacteria and viruses, would immediately into their inside the cells, making them quickly oxidation, damage their structure and oxidase, killed them all, rise to disinfect role. Ozone can also spread to every corner of the alexipharmic ark, bacteria and viruses, make no more thoroughly disinfected.
The design of disinfection cabinet control system based on SCM AT89S52 counter disinfection control system design,it uses low power,high performance CMOS 8—bit microprocessors AT89S52 as the core,practical use of C language,a function of a sound control software,from a technical level to resolve the application disinfection cabinets’ disinfection,heating,lighting and LED digital display and dynamic scanning call buzzer,such as control functions.The article gives a complete circuit of the hardware and software in the preparation process,for practical applications.
Keywords:AT89S52single chip microcomputer,control system;control software
在 消毒柜中采用AT89S52单片机的控制系统,其硬件由主控电路、按键电路、继电控制电路、工作指示灯、蜂鸣器、数码管显示电路以及电源电路等7个模块组 成。软件部分采用比较流行且比较实用的C语言编程,实现通过按键设定不同消毒干燥程序、利用定时器实行不同环节的扫描定时、利用程序判断来启动对应继电器 的工作、控制发光二极管指示不同的工作状态等功能,最后将软件程序和硬件电路相结合,实现软件对硬件的控制。

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪 论 1
2 设计方案的选择与论证 4
2.1 方案的选择与论证 4
2.1.1 方案一 利用数字电路和数码管实现 4
2.1.2 方案二 采用单片机和液晶显示电路实现 4
2.2 最终的方案选择 5
3 整体系统的实现 6
3.1单片机选择 6
3.2 系统组成及框图 7
4 系统硬件设计 9
4.1 电源电路设计 9
4.1.1 选择电源变压器 9
4.1.2 整流电路 10
4.1.3滤波电路 10
4.1.4 稳压电路 10
4.2 功率放大电路设计 11
4.3 振荡电路设计 14
4.3.1内部时钟方式 14
4.3.2 外部时钟方式 15
4.3.3 时钟信号的输出 16
4.4 显示电路设计 17
4.4.1 静态显示 18
4.4.2动态显示 19
4.5 参数设计及硬件介绍 21
5 系统软件设计 23
5.1 系统的主程序设计 23
5.2按键扫描与处理的程序设计 23
5.3 数码管显示和继电控制程序设计 26
5.4主要子功能程序设计 26
结 束 语 32
参考文献 33
致 谢 34
附录A整体电路设计图 35