关键词:气体传感器 模数转换 单片机 气体测量
Based on SCM preventing drunken driving control system circuit design
Abstract: The drunken driving control system are gaining in trends. It is the computer technology and automatic control theory and control technology closely integrated alcohol measurement product.
In this paper, study design car for the detection and alarm functions with an alcohol concentration of intelligent system, and real-time display alcohol concentration.It has realized automatic detection and control function.In this thesis, the concentration of alcohol can be measured and displayed by using the gas sensor based on STC89C51 Single-chip Microcomput . By alcohol sensor MR513, ADC0809 converter, voice alarm, LED display, relays and motor, etc. Will the collected simulation voltage signal via A/D conversion, into A single-chip microcomputer, Through the single-chip microcomputer control calculation output control signal.When the gas sensor induced strength of alcohol exceeding the allowed figure, transformed the digital signaling output the electrical signal. And sends out resounds the caution to drive the personnel not to drive, and locks up automobile's ignition system with the relay.Meanwhile give out sound and light alarm, and through digital tube real-time display alcohol concentration, has realized automatic control function.,thus safeguards the pilot and passenger's safety.
This system design in the warning circuit can be applied to actual life, the prevention driver that it can be better on the other hand drives after drinking, reduce the incidence of the traffic accident. It is obvious this circuit has extensive using value, worth further investigating
Keyword: Gas sensor A/D conversion Single-chip Microcomput Gas measurement
为了满足汽车市场的需要和给客户提供一个安全保险的防酒后驾驶控制系统,本设计综合运用了单片机技术、传感器采集技术、控制技术等来实现对司机的酒精浓度进行测量和控制汽车启动功能。本系统要实现的具体功能为: 能通过高灵敏度的呼气式酒精传感器检测司机的酒精摄入量,当司机体内酒精浓度超标时,控制系统会自动切断汽车启动系统,使汽车无法正常启动。系统可显示司机摄入的酒精浓度,并具有实时监测和光电、语音报警功能。总之,本设计应该具有防酒后驾驶控制系统的基本功能,对防酒后驾驶控制系统的相关技术进行很好的研究和应用,符合防酒后驾驶控制系统的技术发展趋势。

目 录
第一章 前言 1
1.1选题的依据及意义 1
1.2国内外研究及发展趋势 2
1.3课题的研究内容 3
第二章 传感器检测原理 4
2.1传感器原理 4
2.2传感器检测原理 7
第三章 防酒后驾驶控制系统组成及工作原理 10
3.1系统设计要求与技术指标 10
3.2.系统组成及功能 10
第四章 防酒后驾驶控制系统硬件电路设计 12
4.1酒精浓度测试电路 12
4.2信号放大电路 13
4.3 A/D转换电路 16
4.4单片机最小系统 21
4.4.1时钟电路 23
4.4.2复位电路 23
4.5 显示电路 24
4.6报警电路 27
4.6.1光电报警 27
4.6.2声音报警 28
4.7汽车制动控制电路 29
4.8 系统总电路设计 31
第五章 防酒后驾驶控制系统软件设计 32
5.1软件整体设计思路 32
5.2 主程序模块的设计 32
5.2.1显示子程序 34
5.2.2 控制子程序 35
5.3 数据采集及处理模块 36
第六章 防酒后驾驶控制系统调试 39
6.1硬件调试 39
6.2酒精浓度测试电路调试 40
6.3信号放大电路 41
6.4 A/D转换电路的调试 41
6.5显示模块的调试 41
6.6汽车制动控制模块的调试 42
6.7 总体调试 42
第七章 总结 43
7.1完善功能 43
7.2心得体会 43
致谢 44
参考文献 45
附录A 46
附录B 47
附录C 48