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Design of Home Intelligent Light Based on Single Chip Microcomputer
Abstract: With the application of SCM and social needs of the continuous development of the microcontroller as the core, design and development of a variety of control systems and intelligent products. At present, the family lights generally use manual key switch, due to various reasons often appear a lot of light bulbs for a long time lighting phenomenon, so this bulb to frequent exchange, but also a waste of electricity, which undoubtedly increased the user's economic losses. The system uses STC89C51 single chip microcomputer chip and photoelectric detection equipment to design the home intelligent light controller, realized both according to the actual light and the sound condition also through the actual light and the human body through the 8051 chip to control the family lamp switch function.
Key words: home lamp; single chip microcomputer technology; control; voice control; light control;

目 录
1.引言 1
1.1引言 1
1.2课题背景 1
1.3课题现状 2
1.4课题功能 2
2.主要器件简介 3
2.1单片机介绍 3
2.2光敏电阻介绍 5
2.3电压比较器 5
3.硬件系统的设计及功能介绍 6
3.1系统结构 6
3.2声音信号采集电路的设计 7
3.3光信号判断电路的设计 7
3.4393双路电压比较器 8
3.5定时功能的设计 9
3.6驱动输出电路的设计 9
3.7电源供电模块 10
3.8 人体感应模块 11
3.9按键模块 12
3.10部分硬件展示 12
4.软件设计 15
4.1 软件设计语言的选择 15
4.2 程序流程图 16
5.成果展示 17
5.1仿真图 17
5.2仿真结果展示 17
5.3实物展示 18
6.总结 20
参考文献 20
致谢 22