Intelligent Greenhouse System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer
Abstract:Temperature, humidity is important to describe the physical condition of the environment. It affects our quality of life in every way. For example, life: winter air humidity is too small, easily lead to hand and foot and other parts of dry bleeding; summer temperatures are high, bacteria grow faster, easy to produce disease. Production, temperature and humidity is not suitable for easily lead to component failure, affecting the operation of the system. Agriculture, temperature and humidity measurements for greenhouse farming is also critical. But when measuring temperature and humidity, people usually use thermometers, humidity gauges and other tools, but this way can not meet people's high precision, easy operation, real-time high demand. The design of the use of STC89C52 single-chip control to NTC thermistor and AD7799 analog-to-digital conversion circuit and DHT11 digital sensors were real-time measurement of temperature and humidity, and the results shown in the LCD1602 liquid crystal display. The use of solenoid valve to control the water and humidity to adjust the environment to design a simple intelligent greenhouse system. Through the system real-time measurement of the current room temperature and humidity; when the temperature is too high or too low humidity, through the solenoid valve to control the water, to automatically adjust the indoor temperature and humidity objectives.
Key words:STC89C52 microcontroller; NTC thermistor; AD7799analog-to-digital conversion; LCD1602; temperature and humidity measurement;DHT11 digital sensor

摘要 0
Abstract 0
1、绪论 1
1.1 本课题研究背景 1
1.2 国内外发展现状 1
1.3 本课题研究目的及意义 1
2、系统方案设计 1
2.1 系统总体设计思路 2
2.2 微控制芯片的选择 2
2.3 温度及湿度测量元件的选择 3
2.4 A/D芯片的选择 3
2.5 显示模块的选择 3
2.6 电磁阀的选择及其驱动 4
3、系统硬件设计 4
3.1 STC89C52单片机概述 4
3.2 最小系统电路 5
3.3 DHT11传感器接口电路 7
3.3.1 DHT11传感器简介 7
3.3.2 DHT11传感模块与单片机的连接 8
3.4 温度测量及A/D转换电路 8
3.4.1 NTC热敏电阻简介 8
3.4.2 A/D芯片简介 8
3.4.3 测温部分电路连接图 10
3.5 按键电路 11
3.6 液晶显示接口电路 11
3.6.1 LCD1602液晶显示器简介 11
3.6.2 LCD1602液晶显示器与单片机的连接 12
3.7 电磁阀驱动电路 13
4、系统的软件设计 15
4.1 开发环境及编程语言介绍 15
4.2 主程序设计 16
4.3 温度采样程序 16
4.4 湿度读取子程序 17
4.4 1602液晶显示子程序设计 19
4.5 按键抗干扰程序 19
4.6 中值滤波 20
5、调试及检测 21
5.1 硬件的焊接 21
5.2 实物调试 21
5.2.1 液晶电路的调试 22
5.2.2 湿度采集部分电路的调试 22
5.2.3 温度采集部分电路的调试 23
6、实验结果与分析 23
6.1 误差分析 23
6.2 实验数据及分析 23
7、总结与展望 26
参考文献 27
致谢 28