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Wireless Water Quality Monitoring System Based on MSP430 MCU
Abstract: According tothe situation of the field of water quality monitoring and the problems that occur when dynamic monitoring of water quality parameters, a wireless water quality monitoring system based on MSP430is designed and implemented in this paper.By using a low-power and high-precision MSP430F149 core processor, with an external temperature sensor DS18B20 and bipolarpH sensor E-201-C, this design achieves the goal of real-time data acquisition and processing. Itusesthe GSM/GPRS moduleSIM900A for wireless datacommunications, transferring data to mobile terminals in the form of text messages. When the collected data reaches the threshold, the sound and light alarm module begins to work. This design has the advantages of low power consumption, high processing precision and steady state operation, enabling the function of real-time monitoring and remote transmission of data.
Key words:MSP430 MCU;Water Quality Monitoring; Wireless Data Communications

1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究现状 1
1.3 本设计主要工作 2
2 设计方案论证 2
2.1 设计主要思路 2
2.2 本设计的设计方案 3
2.3 主控芯片选型依据 4
2.3.1 优异的低功耗设计 5
2.3.2 突出的处理能力 5
2.3.3 稳定的系统工作状态 6
2.3.4 丰富的片上外围模块 6
2.3.5 方便高效的开发环境 6
2.4 温度传感器模块设计原理 6
2.5 pH传感器模块设计原理 7
2.6 无线通信模块设计原理 7
3 硬件电路设计 8
3.1 整体方案设计 8
3.2 模块设计 8
3.2.1 电源模块 8
3.2.2 按键控制模块 9
3.2.3 LCD显示模块 10
3.2.4 串行通信模块 11
3.2.5 报警模块 13
3.2.6 温度传感器模块 13
3.2.7 pH传感器模块 14
3.2.8无线通信模块 14
4 系统软件设计 15
4.1 整体系统控制软件流程 16
4.2 自动换挡模块软件设计流程 17
4.3 键盘输入和LCD显示部分软件设计流程 18
4.4 数据采集、处理程序设计流程 18
4.5 无线通信功能程序设计 19
5 测试及结果 19
5.1 单片机系统及各模块单元调试 19
5.1.1 电源模块 19
5.1.2 按键模块 20
5.1.3 声光报警模块 21
5.1.4 测温模块 21
5.1.5 pH模块 21
5.1.6 LCD显示模块 23
5.1.7 无线通信模块 24
5.2 整体系统联合调试 26
6 总结 26
参考文献 27
致谢 28