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摘要:近年来,孩子被遗忘车内造成窒息死亡的悲剧时有发生。为此,本文设计并实现了一个车载儿童防窒息预警系统。系统主要由STC89C52单片机、HC-SR501热释电人体红外传感器、DHT11温湿度传感器、MG811二氧化碳浓度传感器、TC35 GSM无线通信模块等组成。系统通电后,在人体红外传感器检测到汽车内有人滞留的情况下,通过温湿度传感器和二氧化碳浓度传感器对车内温湿度和二氧化碳浓度进行采集,如果达到预警阈值时就进行现场声光报警,和GSM模块远程预警,将报警信息发送到指定手机上。此系统结构简单且使用操作方便等优点。
The Design of a Pre- warning Vehicle-mounted System for Children 's Anti – choking Based On Microcontrollers
Abstract : In recent years, it is often happened tragically that children have been trapped in the car causing suffocation to death. A pre-warning vehicle-mounted system is designed and developed in order to aviod this tragedy. The system is mainly composed of STC89C52 microcontroller, HC-SR501 passive infrared ray sensor, DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, MG811 carbon dioxide sensor, TC35 GSM wireless communication module. Once the system is powered, the passive infrared ray sensor detects that someone is in the car, then the system will collect temperature and humidity and carbon dioxide concentration data in the car through temperature and humidity sensor and carbon dioxide sensor. If one of the warning thresholds is reached, audible and visual alarm is performing. At the same time through the GSM module remote warning, the alarm information sent to the designated phone .The system has the advantages of simple structure and easy operation.
Key words: passive infrared ray sensor; temperature and humidity sensor; carbon dioxide sensor; GSM module; choking pre-warning.

目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 创新内容及拓展 1
1.3 目标功能 2
2 设计方案论证分析 2
2.1 方案需求 2
2.2 方案比较及选择 3
3 系统硬件设计 4
3.1 系统整体设计 4
3.2 主处理器 4
3.2.1 适应性分析 4
3.2.2 芯片简介 5
3.2.3 外围电路 5
3.2.4 引脚连接 6
3.3 人员检测模块 6
3.4 温湿度采集模块 7
3.5 二氧化碳浓度数据采集模块 8
3.6 液晶显示模块 9
3.7 GSM模块 11
3.8 现场报警模块 12
3.9 按键电路 13
4 软件设计 14
4.1 主程序设计 14
4.2 外部中断程序设计 15
4.3 GSM模块程序设计 16
4.3.1 TC35模块的AT指令集 16
4.3.2 单片机与TC35软件调试 16
4.3.3 TC35初始化子程序 17
4.4 传感器及显示程序设计 19
5 实物调试 20
5.1 软件调试 20
5.1.1 GSM模块调试 21
5.1.2 系统调试 23
5.2 硬件调试 24
5.3 调试遇到的问题及解决方法 27
5.4 设计可完善的地方 28
6 结论与展望 29
参考文献: 30
致谢 32