来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK717227 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK717227
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Sitting position alarm system based on single chip microcomputer
Abstract:With the rapid development of social economy and technology in various industries, the production and life style of human beings have changed a lot. The continuous development of society has brought about many new products, the role and function of the new new product itself is good, but when people use for a long time is hard to avoid can appear some negative factors, currently studying the needs of most people work for a long time staring at the mobile phone, TV, computer screen, if you don't have a good light environment and posture habits will appear myopia. This design is about a multi-function sitting position alarm instrument single-chip design, the whole design is used in the single-chip 89C52 related software and hardware parts, which also involves the following functional modules :(1) temperature compensation module; (2) acoustooptic alarm module; (3) ultrasonic ranging module; (4) LCD display module; (5) sound-light alarm module can objectively detect the sitting posture of human body to judge whether it is standard or not. If the measured value is outside the safe range, then the sound-light alarm will be activated. At the same time, it also sends an alarm notification to the specified user through the wireless transmission module.
Key words:MCU;ultrasonic; vision protection

1绪论 1
1.1基于单片机的坐姿报警系统的背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究情况及其发展 1
1.3论文的主要工作 2
2总体方案设计 3
2.1整体设计要求 3
2.2设计方案选择 3
2.2.1电源电路设计方案 3
2.2.2温度补偿传感器的选择 3
2.3超声波传感器的选择 3
2.3.1超声波传感器简介 3
2.3.2超声波传感器的选定 4
2.4坐姿报警系统的整体设计方案 5
3硬件设计 7
3.1主控电路设计 7
3.2超声波传感器电路设计 8
3.3温度补偿模块 9
3.4报警提示模块 10
3.5 LCD显示模块 11
3.6无线NRF24L01模块 12
3.7整体电路设计 13
4系统软件设计方案 15
4.1开发语言 15
4.2主程序流程图 15
4.3编程调试 16
5论文总结 16
参考文献 17
致谢 18