关键词:STC89C52,Sensor 101,示波法,蓝牙HC-05
Design of electronic sphygmomanometer based on STC89C52 microcontroller
Academy of electronic and Information Engineering, NUIST, Nanjing 210044, China
Abstract: The fast development of society lead to deteriorating environment, at the same time ,the unhealthy living habits and irregular diet make blood pressure common to see. Patients with high blood pressure feel frightened because sphygmomanometer is generally acknowledged as "invisible killer". That timely measure our blood pressure can not only let us know the change of our blood pressure ,but also it can provide enough time to us to prevent high blood pressure effectively , so as to keep away from cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction and other major diseases. Based on this, a convenient device for measuring blood pressure is designed.
There are varieties of electronic sphygmomanometer on the current market, good or bad, and generally speaking, they usually use MSP430 or STM32 series of single-chip as the core control . There is no doubt that the series have better function,but they are more expensive. This article is aimed to use the STC89C52 to control the core of electronic sphygmomanometer, and use pressure sensor sensor101 to collect pressure signal, use LCD driver chip to display data, use the Bluetooth module HC-05 to send data to the Android client ,and last but not least peripheral analog circuits are needed so as to designed a new electronic sphygmomanometer. In this paper, I plan to use C language programming to designed the sphygmomanometer which with low cost, high precision measurement.
Keywords: STC89C52, Sensor 101 ,Oscillographic method, Bluetooth HC-05

目 录
前 言 6
1.基于STC89C52单片机的电子血压计概述 8
1.1 基于单片机的电子血压计简介 8
1.1.1 血压计的基本介绍 8
1.1.2 血压计功能简介 8
1.1.3 电子血压计使用注意事项 8
1.2 血压计装置设计方案 8
1.2.1 设计总体要求 8
1.2.2 具体设计方案 9
1.3电子血压计工作原理 9
1.3.1 血压测量的工作原理 9
1.3.2 基于单片机的电子血压计的工作原理 11
2.硬件电路的设计 12
2.1 传感器简介以及电路设计 12
2.1.1 传感器简介 13
2.1.2 传感器电路设计 13
2.2 单片机应用 14
2.2.1 STC89C52 简介 15
2.2.2 STC89C52的主要特征如下 15
2.2.3 STC89C52 的结构 16
2.2.4 单片机的复位电路 18
2.2.5 单片机的时钟电路 18
2.3 液晶显示电路设计 19
2.3.1 LCD1602模块介绍 19
2.3.2 LCD1602液晶电路设计 21
2.4 蓝牙传输电路设计 22
2.4.1 蓝牙HC-05模块介绍 23
2.4.2 蓝牙HC05模块工作原理 23
2.4.3蓝牙HC-05电路设计 …24
2.5其他电路设计 25
2.5.1 电源电路 25
2.5.2 排气电磁阀控制电路 26
2.5.3 气泵充气控制电路 27
2.5.4 按键电路 28
2.5.4 蜂鸣器报警电路 28
3.系统软件设计 29
3.1 主程序流程图 29
3.2 按键控制流程图 30
3.3 信息读取流程图 31
3.4 血压检测流程图部分 32
结论 33
参考文献 34
致 谢 35