Anti-fatigue Driving Alarm System Based on MSP430F149
Abstract:Nowadays, with more and more private cars, cars have become the necessary means of transportation for travel. The increase in the number of cars is accompanied by great hidden dangers. More and more traffic accidents also appear, and our life safety is also facing a test. The frequent occurrence of traffic accidents has also sounded an alarm bell for us. According to incomplete statistics, traffic accidents caused by fatigue driving account for a large proportion of traffic accidents, and fatigue driving has become a major killer, so we need to pay attention to it. This is not only a responsibility for themselves, but also a responsibility for them. When enough attention is paid, it can reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents, as well as for the safety of drivers. A protection. Therefore, designing an alarm instrument to reduce traffic accidents is very practical and in line with the needs of life.
Through this consideration, this topic designed the anti-fatigue driving system. This anti-fatigue driving system consists of MSP430F149, buzzer alarm circuit, ADXL345 gravity acceleration sensor circuit, relay control circuit and power circuit. Pressure sensor is used to collect the seat pressure, so as to calculate the driving time of the driver. Through the analysis and judgment of the collected data by single-chip computer, the driver can be judged whether there is fatigue driving. If the driver is in a fatigue driving state, the singlechip will control the buzzer alarm and remind the driver to stop and rest.
Key words:MSP430F149;Fatigue Driving; Single Chip Microcomputer

1 前言 1
1.1 什么是疲劳驾驶 1
1.2 疲劳驾驶与交通事故 1
1.3 怎么预防疲劳驾驶 1
1.4 小结 1
2 本设计的总体思路及其理念 2
2.1方案的设计思路 2
2.2单片机芯片的选择 2
2.2.2声音报警电路方案的选择 2
2.2.3倾角传感器的选择 3
3 硬件电路的设计 4
3.1系统的功能分析及体系结构设计 4
3.1.1系统功能步骤 4
3.1.2系统总体结构 4
3.2模块电路的设计 4
3.2.1 MSP430F149单片机核心系统电路设计 4
3.2.2 5V电源电路设计 8
3.2.3 蜂鸣器报警电路(低电平有效)设计 9
3.2.4按键电路设计 10
3.2.5 ADXL345倾角传感器模块电路设计 10
3.2.6 LED信号指示灯电路设计 11
3.2.7 5V继电器控制电路(低电平有效)设计 12
3.3对于本设计的具体器件测试: 13
4 系统软件设计 14
4.1 编程语言选择 14
4.2单片机程序开发环境 14
4.3 IAR Embedded Workbench软件开发流程 15
4.5 Lite-FET-Pro430-Elprotronic程序烧录软件介绍 19
4.6 MSP-FET430UIF程序烧写模块介绍 19
4.7 Lite-FET-Pro430-Elprotronic程序流程图 21
5系统焊接与调试 22
5.1 电路焊接 22
5.2 系统调试 22
5.2.1 系统程序调试 23
5.2.2硬件测试 23
5.3 实物测试 23
6 结论 25
6.1 总结 25
6.2 展望 25
参考文献: 26
附录: 27
IO_Clock函数: 27
adxl345函数: 28
1602函数: 36
致谢 42