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The design of intelligent car based on STM32
Abstract:With the development of intelligent technology, the application of smart car will gradually become a popular trend. An intelligent car system based on STM32F103 microcontroller is designed in this paper, including Bluetooth module, ultrasonic module, rudder, external memory, electricity measurement, display module and so on. The Bluetooth module is used for the wireless control of the running mode, running direction and running speed of the car. The ultrasonic module is used for distance measurement and obstacle avoidance. The memory is used to store the running data of the car, and the OLED display display is used to display the parameters of speed and operation mode.This smart car can be used in the fields such as sweeping robots and warehouse freight transportation, one that has a certain practical value.
Key words:STM32F103 MCU;Bluetooth remote control;Obstacle avoidance module;OLED display;External memory

1 引言 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3论文的主要工作和章节安排 1
2 系统方案介绍 2
2.1系统总体设计框图 2
2.2 系统设计原理 3
2.2.1 舵机基本原理 3
2.2.2 后轮双电机差速控制原理 3
2.2.3 编码器测速原理 4
2.2.4 直流电机PID分析 4
2.2.5超声波测距原理 6
3 硬件电路设计 6
3.1 STM32最小系统 6
3.2一键下载电路 7
3.3电源部分 7
3.4稳压模块 8
3.5电量测量模块 8
3.6 电机驱动模块 9
3.7超声波测距模块 10
3.8 外部Flash 11
3.9 显示模块 12
3.10 蓝牙模块 13
4系统软件设计 13
4.1 主程序设计 13
4.2 超声波避障程序设计 14
4.3 外部存储器读写程序设计 15
5 设计环境 16
6 实物图 17
7总结 19
参考文献 19
附录 21
致谢 27