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Design of Fingerprint Infrared Code Lock System Based on C52 MCU
Abstract: In recent years, fingerprint identification technology has developed rapidly in China and abroad, because of its safety and reliability now that the technology has been widely used in daily life and work. With the large development of science and technology, fingerprint recognition technology and the comprehensive promotion and general trends should be.
The system design of fingerprint recognition electron password lock based on Single-chip microprocessor is developed in the thesis. The system uses STC89C52 as the core module, controls ZFM-60 fingerprint module through serial communication to input fingerprints and store fingerprint database, and displays the work flow and comparison results through HS12864-15C LCD display screen, plus HX1838 infrared receiver to realize various ways of unlocking, assisted by Songle relay and light-emitting diode to simulate unlocking action, and Eleko voltage switching. Exchanger and electromagnetic lock form a complete process of fingerprint password lock unlocking. The system has the advantages of fast unlocking speed, high cost performance,small size, high system integrity, and is suitable for family and small units.

摘要 III
Abstract IV
1 绪论 1
1.1指纹密码锁的背景及意义 1
1.2指纹识别的原理 1
1.3论文的章节安排 2
2 指纹密码锁总体方案的设计 2
2.1系统组成 2
2. 2系统工作方式 2
3 介绍硬件和设计电路模块 3
3.1 C52及最小系统 3
3.1.1 STC89C52 3
3.1.2晶振电路的设计 5
3.1.3 Reset模块的设计 5
3.2 屏幕设计 6
3.2.1 12864系列液晶的引脚功能 6
3.2.2控制器接口说明 6
3.2.3指令说明 7
3.2.4 12864引脚与单片机连接图 7
3.3矩阵键盘模块 8
3.4指纹识别电路 9
3.4.1 ZFM60简介 9
3.4.2指纹模块引脚接法 10
3.4.3指纹模块命令 10
3.5断电记忆模块 12
3.6红外遥控模块 12
3.7电磁锁模块 13
3.8继电器模块 14
3.9本章小结 15
4 程序设计及相关流程图 16
4.1程序工作分析 16
4.2串口初始化 16
4.3主程序流程图 17
4.3.1键盘模块程序流程 19
4.3.2 液晶模块程序的设计流程 19
4.3.3 指纹模块程序设计流程 20
4.3.4红外遥控模块的子程序的设计 20
4.4 系统编程 21
4.5本章小结 21
5硬件的调试 22
5.1电路的焊接 22
5.2 程序的烧写 23
5.3 小灯、继电器的调试 23
5.4 液晶的调试 24
5.5 指纹模块、红外模块、按键的调试 24
5.6 电磁锁电路的调试 24
5.7 本章小结 24
6结 论 25
参考文献 26
致 谢 27