来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK717173 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK717173
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Control system of automatic drum washing machine based on 51 single chip microcomputer
Abstract:With the continuous development of modern computer technology, a variety of different types of SCM have been widely used in the field of intelligent control. The single chip microcomputer has been widely used in various kinds of electric appliances because of its high function, good adaptability, high reliability, easy development, convenient carrying, low price and so on. This paper mainly studies the realization of automatic drum washing machine control system based on 51 single chip microcomputer.
The control system uses the STC89C51 microcontroller as the control chip, and configure the necessary devices and the peripheral circuit, then help I/O output to help control the motor running and stop by STC89C51 internal timer to achieve record time to complete the washing and dehydration time interrupt the work, at the same time to achieve a variety of washing parameters by keys with the aid of a small water pump set, then simulate the washing machine water inlet and a water outlet, the module design of the control system and 51 single-chip microcomputer as the key to explain.
Key words:51 singlechip; DC motor; system module; timer

目 录
1 绪 论 1
1.1 本次设计的开发背景 1
1.2 目的和意义 2
1.3 国内外的发展现状和今后方向 2
1.3.1 国外 2
1.3.2 国内 2
1.3.3 洗衣机未来的方向 2
2 系统的总体设计 3
2.1 课题设计的主要任务 3
2.2 系统设计方案 4
2.2.1 按键的作用 4
2.2.2 模拟洗衣的步骤 4
2.2.3 设计的总体方框图 5
2.3 主要的系统功能 6
3 对于系统硬件方面的设计 7
3.1 洗衣机系统的组成电路 7
3.2 单片机的选择 8
3.2.1单片机具体的功能和组成 8
3.2.2具体芯片的选择 8
3.3 STC89R51的引脚功能 8
3.4 各个组成的控制电路 11
3.4.1电源 11
3.4.2显示 12
3.4.3按键控制 13
3.4.3直流电机 14
3.4.4时钟 15
3.4.5测距 16
3.5 总体电路 17
3.5.1对于PCB板的设计 17
3.5.2如何焊接PCB板子 19
4 对于系统软件方面的设计 20
4.1 主要程序 20
4.2 功能程序 21
4.2.1洗涤程序 21
4.2.2漂洗程序 21
4.2.3脱水程序 22
4.2.4烘干程序 23
4.2.5高温自清洁程序 24
5 系统总体的调试 25
5.1 硬件方面的调试 25
5.2 软件方面的调试 25
6 总结 28
参 考 文 献 29
致谢 30